Long Live the king

Yes, although I think they should have been called off out of respect. I bought a fake crown for 5 quid on Amazon for the occasion and will wear it this morning, should be some savage banter and hilarity when I am running around with it on


Enjoy the big day TFK Brits, Carkies and especially the Scotch, who had the option to remove themselves from this shite and chose not to

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That’s fantastic. My initial sense was that proceeding was inappropriate but I changed my view. A wholesome community gathering like parkrun based around inclusiveness, fun & respect represents everything the Royal Family stands for. Some runners might even makes plans this morning to join together for the celebrations later, that can only be good.


The largest Military parade in 70 years, what day to be alive

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Exactly, and if they got Prince Andrew to chase the u15 girls race a few world records will certainly be broken.


Is the Sex Offender Prince Andrew invited to this?

May the King live forever

It’s a similar story in the middle. In 2007, the average UK household was 8 per cent worse off than its peers in north-western Europe, but the deficit has since ballooned to a record 20 per cent. On present trends, the average Slovenian household will be better off than its British counterpart by 2024, and the average Polish family will move ahead before the end of the decade. A country in desperate need of migrant labour may soon have to ask new arrivals to take a pay cut.

@ChairmanDan , who’ll be representing house Mountbatten?

Good to see the police cracking down on those dangerous protesters by rounding them up and sticking them in a wagon

Insufferably long wait for the 2000 guineas thanks to this bull shit.

It’s wall to wall, full wall multi screen coverage of the new sovereign’s coronation at D.I.D. Electrical Bandon




Ireland is Royal Family country.

“Charles, don’t you ever crave
To appear on the front of the Daily Mail
Dressed in your Mother’s bridal veil?”

Four hours of this shit on our national broadcaster.



Isn’t the guy who sang that in “Britain First” now or something?

Charles is mates with Michelle O’Neill.

Funny how life changes.

What was on this time last week?

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He is. He was never anti-Britain, quite the opposite actually.

He’s wearing his pjamas here

‘…. King Charles as a personification of the citizens of the UK…,’

Come on now.