Long Live the king

Champions League!

Is Prince Harry there?

He doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it. Touch and go with the crown there. Will’s kid is gurning away there.

Bursting for a Royal shit id say.


Surely they’d have given him that blocking up tablet that James Cameron used to take when he’d go down to the Titanic wreck in that capsule.

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Queen Camilla

Games gone.

Rebellious Scots to crush.

All talk, they had their chance


What time is this starting?

Gutless Cunts

They had their chance to get out without a shot fired

Pissing rain on the shower of Cunts

A stones by dettori :joy:

They wouldn’t take you

The sun is shining in Paddy land.

Did it not just piss rain in Limerick mate?

Couldn’t tell you kid… It’s blue skies and 18 degrees in the real capital.


@ChairmanDan , they’ll have no luck