Long Live the king

Murder, She Wrote.

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:grinning: I was thinking the only people watching this on RTÉ would be some old women who only ever watched RTÉ, and what else would they be doing?

But they’d be happier watching Jessica Fletcher :joy:

If you killed the king would you then become the king or has that stopped ? And when exactly did that stop?

No, that’s still the case

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But isn’t the point that anything is better than showing the crowning of a King in a separate country?

I think the people who most vocally claim to love their country tend to be the people who are most willing to destroy it.

And the people who feel no need to be vocal about proclaiming their love of country tend to be the people who are most serious about making it a good place to live.

Being conspicuously anti-Royal Family has always been the most conformist type of rebelliousness.

Being fanatically anti-Royal Family sort of reminds me of the people who are fanatically anti-horsey racing.

On principle I’d be against royalty and against horsey racing (apart from the Grand National), but not to the point where it would bother me very much.

The anti-horsey racing fanatics have a real problem explaining what would happen to all the horseys should horsey racing be abolished and they also have a problem explaining what would happen to all the jobs it creates.

Those who are fanatically anti-Royal Family and demand its abolition refuse to reckon with the reality that the thing is basically a real life soap opera, and a massive money spinner for British tourism. The whole thing is basically an absurd laugh which is profitable for Britain and a key part of its international identity. And the world loves the absurdity of it, and we love the absurdity of it.

The Royal Family exists because people want it - even the people who are against royalty want it.

Might as well embrace it.

It’s the kind of thing that (many of) the elderly enjoy, and the elderly are really the only subset without access or interest in a wide variety of channels
Leave them off, I’m sure the advertising revenue is more than for Murder she wrote :man_shrugging:

Thankfully TG4 have Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman coming up shortly.

Morrissey actually surmised in the song The Queen is Dead that while the monarchy is outdated and morally wrong, the alternative ‘worshipping’ is just as bad should it be disbanded, such as the pub and the church.

There would be no more fitting tribute to his Highness than a Cork win tonight.

The Fishmonger is surely over in London wrapped head to toe in a Union Jack.


See: The :ireland::pirate_flag: Brigade

If these people weren’t obsessing over the Royals they’d be following some celebrity shite or other. People can be odd that way.

Thats a fine robe Charles has on

John gosden desperately wants to become sir John gosden. He has surely lined the kings horse saga with Frankie on board to win in Newmarket.

Hardcore nationalists in pretty much every country - those who cloak themselves in the FLEG, tend to be those most willing to destroy their own country.

That’s definitely the case in Ireland, Britain, France, the US, Russia, Brazil etc. Ukraine is an exception because their country is literally under attack, World War II style, so of course that flag is now seen as a beacon of freedom and resistance to tyranny.

Weirdly enough, in Britain and beyond, the Union Jack now has a considerably less menacing air than it had when I was a nipper.

But the St. George’s cross, which 30 years ago was considered benign enough, has well and truly stolen the air of menace from its big brother.

It’s part of the human condition to rail pointlessly but passionately against something.

The people who would be most disappointed if the Royal Family was actually abolished are those who most conspicuously rail against it.

I’m not watching this Coronation but I can hear the chanting and music coming from the next room. It sounds amazing.

Pageantry is a gift delivered to the world by Britain. Nobody does it better.

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that Lispy cunt Sunak shouldn’t be up there

Gas that it nearly took 40 years since those lyrics for him to take the throne.

This would nearly make you want to become a Protestant. Protestant pageantry is so much better than Catholic pageantry.