Long Live the king

The Tweet machine is alive with rumours of Charles’ death

If he dies they surely stop racing and football like the last time?

I’m pretty sure this is the first time he’s died


Ashton Kutcher Burn GIF

When the queen died last year

He was the queen last year?!! Its all starting to make sense now.

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Oh your Doing one of those weird things when you pretend not to follow on purpose

Obama has been called to Downing Street to allow him brief Biden on the kings death

My sources in the Palace tell me Charles isn’t dead but is just shedding his skin.


I heard for a fact on twitter that Charles is dying and Willy wants rid of the wife before he’s made king and that’s why she’s gone missing.

He has kids with the bit on the side as well, so could get very messy.

All absolute facts.



Fwiw i threw a tenner on just that outcome…with the condition that the bit on the side is camilla. 4/5 with paddy power

I told yis the inside track from a woman I know below who knows a few in the royal family. She asked me not to say anything for fear it got back that’s she said anything but this is too big to bury


She looks unreal

That’s not Catherine, the monarchy are up to sinister stuff

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So Will and Kate went out and did their own shopping? Me bollox

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We’re supposed to believe that kate and will have to get their own groceries?

Bate me to it

And the only photo that was taken was on a potato

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Marks and Diana Spencer


Seems a lidl far-fetched