Long Live the king

His Majesty’s subjects will rally around her

They will out on the streets be “clapping for Kate” every night at 8pm


Stomach cancer.

Survival rates very low for that I’d imagine.

Don’t think it’s the worst once it hasn’t spread. Very rough on her. Terrible few months for them

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Probably had to announce it before it was leaked.

It’s awful for a young mother to be struck down like that.

Poor William has had it tough with his mother as well.


Talk of colon cancer now.

Ah Jesus what a blow.

She’s on preventative chemo which means she’s clear. It’s still chemo and still hard to get through but from a psychological perspective, it’s easier to deal with


The the official line, the real story is not good

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You’d be sorry for the poor divil.

The anti-vaxxers need to get in here and control the narrative.

I hope she makes a speedy recovery. An awful cunt of a thing cancer wouldn’t wish it on anyone


Awful. Especially for someone so young with young kids. Hopefully she makes a full recovery.

You wouldnt wish that on anyone in fairness.


The chemo is the worst of it. You’d handle an operation but the chemo is a pure cunt


She’s in shite.

You wouldn’t but she’s part of a system that walks all over the much more needy in her society and she couldn’t give a solid fuck about them so don’t shed too many tears for her

Absolutely agree with you re the system.

Saying that, hopefully she makes a full recovery all the same. Desperate thing to happen to a young mother with young kids. Awful disease.

You wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Still being hounded in her weakest moments. Proper nasty nasty stuff


She’ll appreciate your good wishes and tears no doubt.

Best wishes. We’ve matured a small bit as a country.