Long Live the king

Riddled alright

You’re missing the point but royalists will do that


The funny thing is royalists will weep for her while somehow ignoring the fact the Cunt wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire.

Tony is a big Hillsborough campaigner.

What a horrible cunt Tony evans is.

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No surprise to see the horsey set united fan west Brits are royalists

I’m no royalist mate. You can be sure of that. A young mother getting a cancer diagnosis like that is a nightmare though.

Its nothing to be celebrated anyway. Hopefully she has a speedy recovery.


No ones celebrating, but your weeping for her and her inbred family ride roughshod over a country in tatters is a little pathetic and simpering

No tears here mate. Just a small bit of human empathy and compassion.

She’ll thank you and all your fellow royalists for that as she benefits from all that her elevated position in society gives her.

Hatred is only going to eat away at you.

Leave it go.

Say a prayer for your queen tonight

Yep, weird take for him to be playing the victim about her news


When you look up lady in the dictionary there should be a picture of Kate.

Yep, its all about him


Its time to move on from that craic if we really want to have a united Ireland.

We except everyone else don’t we. People are entitled to their traditions etc

So you think it’s ok to take the peoples money to pay for a royal family. Proper royalist beliefs there.

Sure its the tans money, they can do what they want.

Just like a royalist would say