Long Live the king

I think it’s more the out pouring of concern for her in the likes of The Sun and then compare that to their commentary the day after Hillsborough where they said people were pissing on and stealing from the dead. A valid point in fairness to him.



This is a very tough time for Country, Empire and all loyal subjects of the Crown. How are you holding up @Tassotti?

The very best of wishes to the Princess of Wales and the King as well for the tough road ahead.


Only a scouser could make themselves the victim in this


She looks well shook in that video. She always seemed nice to me anyway. I hope she goes ok.


@glenshane hasn’t been on this evening, he’s been busy elsewhere.


A bit unhinged from reality those folks. Theres absolutely no link between the vaccine and cancer some people are hanging onto covid by a thread

What did you hase that on?

That there is no known link so far. Its way too early to say there no evidence. There is evidence to heart issue that may link the vaccine.


They live for this shit in the UK

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Flatty Power Rankings

  1. Conor Whelan

  2. Princess Kate

  3. Scrote who nicked his bike

  4. Kyle Hayes

1=2 Ignatius Clark and the Hopper

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  1. John Hanbury
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Mrs Hanbury really she is a really lovely person. My pal will soon be a close neighbour.
My lass took a nawful shine to Colin the brother too (she was only 7 at the time mind).
She only ever took a right shine to one other person, a tipp man went by the name of jemba
Cc @Declan_Moffat . When she was four she used follow him round the house. She never even liked another human being only him and my brother.
When he came one day a few months after with his now wife, they were sat on the couch and she planted herself right between them with a wriggle.


Great fella.

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As nice a man as you will ever meet.

He didn’t lick it off the ground. Good stock in Lattin.

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There’s a light of kindness inside him. A gentle man.
Brilliant hurler too.

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He’s a great lad. His stag in Birmingham was hilarious. 16 lads from Latin let loose in Birmingham for the weekend and a token lad from Barnsley

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Funny when I met Zara Phillips she was very inquisitive about the Easter rising commemorations in 2016