Long Live the king

It’s either this or Claire Byrne and Dave Fanning teaching us how to put up a tent

cc @Julio_Geordio @ChairmanDan

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You need to focus a bit less on your conspiracy theories and brush up on your Royal Protocol. The parameters as to who becomes a Prince/Princess were set down by King George V in 1917, protocols which are still applied to this day.

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The only person in the media slagging her is piers Morgan and that’s because she blanked him. Jesus wept he’s not even related to the firm with the big ginger head on him.

The lizards are hard killed

Here’s young Hewitt joining the convo

Any aspiring chippy’s on here could do a nice line in knock offs of the outdoor furniture on display over the Summer


Frogmore is some size of a home to be classified as a “cottage”. 20 bedrooms? Apparently Meghan wasn’t happy with the cottage.


The House of Windsor will be in turmoil after this

They’ll kill Phillip later and the tide will swing back


They should have killed him this morning

Not at all. Tomorrow will be the time

Oprah is worse than Joe Duffy with the faux shock and egging them on.


I didn’t realise she was still working to be honest.

“I can tell your upset Harry, what CAUSES this upset”

I didn’t realize she was working till Monday.

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Why is the white girl giving out about racism?

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To wind you up

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