Long Live the king

Not going to watch it either tbf.

Couldnt care less about the royals, more important things to focus on - rich privilaged couple giving out, throw in the bit of racism and you’ve another netflix series.

Distraction cc @glasagusban

No mention of record unemployment, small business finished forever and an unelected junta answerable to no one, telling people what to do and how far they can leave their homes.


I’m hopping like a sausage in a pan

There there, only another half hour to go

Meg calling out British society as a racist cesspit.
Game on Ger.

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Meghan is a genius

She’s done them up good and proper

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We could have done with her back in 1798

She’s a very poor broadcaster.

Meghan will regret this interview. They’ve gone to war with a very powerful institution.

This is the greatest blow to the empire since Harry Maguire’s shameful conduct in Greece

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You come at the Queen you best not miss

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Her Majesty could really have done with Lieutenant-Colonel Martin Charteris around the house still to put a bit of manners on this pair.

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Meghan is the queen of Hearts of America. Herself and gingerballs will be the new Kennedys

You wonder what their plan is here

  • money and attention
  • bring down the Monarchy

They’ve given up any claim to privacy with this interview and the hounds of hell of British media will be unleashed on them now

Just the 25 pages

Prince 'Arry surveyed his future landscape and said fuck this. The hereridary thing over there is worse than the land thing over here

Continue rake in money and attention and fame based on their connection to the royal family

Call anyone that ever criticises them racist

End of plan.

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A faustian pact.