Long Live the king

Personally, with 18 months or so on the bench due to 2 offspring, it was something I tried to avoid once there was any bit of show with the belly. But needs must on occasion

Not pleasant for either ( or ‘any’ depending on stage) participant but a brief reminder of what lead to circumstances. Opening a toasted ham and cheese sandwich was never far from the mind so was entirely perfunctory.

Can’t say I’ve ever looked at any bird of any stage of ‘with child’ and immediately thought “Giggidy” . But, according to nefarious sites I’ve encountered entirelyfor research purposes, there’s more than one fella out there who finds something in it.

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Poor Andrew, always forgotten

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Or Tommy Lascelle


The way she treated her own father tells you all you need to know about her.


Two entitled cunts go on TV to give out about family of entitled cunts

You missed out the most important factor in it all

Is there any way this whole interview with Oprah could have been an elaborate ruse to deflect from Andrews deviancy and with the FBI wanting to interview him?

You think the FBI are after watching that interview and figured, ah they’ve enough on their plates lads, let’s leave the nonce alone?

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Public perception at home. It’s been portrayed as the greatest crisis in over 80 years for the Royal family amongst the redtops. Of course ignoring the elephant in the room.

That told you everything you needed to know about Miss Markle. Who treats their own father like that, like a piece of dirt? The poor man did warn at the time that she’d cause ructions in the Royal Family. She’s a wrong un.

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One for the seething thread


One armed waiter of highest calibre

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Like the Bee Gees in Clive Anderson


He is some ape.


Piers Morgan is a big Woolwich fan. Like that other sap, Prince Henry.

Ah lovely. The poster boy for angry white men like @ChairmanDan can’t take a few home truths

Piers Morgan was “Irish” when the cricket team weren’t picking Kevin Pietersen.