Long Live the king

Piers had a full blown meltdown live on air

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Susanne is a saint to put up with him.

The lad who triggered him was the shows weather man apparo

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He’s getting lambasted on twitter by fellas who think he should have taken his issues with Piers off air. You couldnt make this shit up.

He’s having none of it

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Fair fucks to him, his job will probably be gone but didn’t put up with that bully boy bullshit.

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2021… We’ve robots spinning about on Mars. The ability to stream TV from all over the world on IPTV. We’ve little flying machines that can deliver you your lunch…we can now call offside down to a couple if millimetres… And yet… And fucking yet… The world is still caught up in race and the colour of people’s skin… Fuck me. And I can say that as someone who is mixed raced.


It’s only worse its getting

Half Limerick and half Cork does not count as mixed race.

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I’m half Irish half Lakota.

Half a 5km and half a 10km

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That’s the end of it then.

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We move on

Her Majesty must be embarrassed at what became of the sons she raised.

Nasty post

That cracker of a headline from 1970 hasn’t surfaced yet or has it?

Queen in brawl at Palace.

Gerry was a good oul’ battler in fairness.

Piers Morgan is gone