Long Live the king

A great day for Gaeilgeoirs

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I think he’s just been proven guilty?

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Her Majesty should be assuming direct control in Australia again anyway.

Strong and decisive leadership here with the Duke of York. There’s a bad egg or two in a lot of families.

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She’s turfed out two troublemakers in Andrew and Harry. Like Ferguson clearing out Whiteside and McGrath back in the late 80s. Setting the foundations for success.


It must be true if his own mother fucks him out publicly

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Just about to say. Presumed guilty until proven guilty

Common misconception if innocent until proven which is applicable in the states but its the opposite in France. Not sure how it is in the UK or here. In France you have to prove that you are innocent

Ian has taught us at o much

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Well it’s a civil case so the burden of proof is a lot lower than in a criminal case. I imagine it will be up to her to convince the judge that the preponderance of evidence suggest that he’s guilty. If you ask me , she’s already pushin an open door there. The Maxwell verdict gives her a head start. Andy is fucked either way. Settle without admitting liability isn’t worth a fuck to him. Take his chances in court and some serious shit could be revealed leading to potential criminal charges. Although the metropolitan police and the yanks have said that they are not interested in pursuing any more criminal charges unless some serious revelations came out.

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Eh, that’s not true at all

Weren’t you calling him a war hero who helped liberate Port Stanley not that long ago?

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He did all that. That was 40 years ago now though. Can’t dine out on that for the rest of your life.

Or sweat… :grin:

I think that in France there is a preliminary investigation by Monsieur/Madame le judge who decides if there is enough about it to warrant a trial ?

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Not when there’s a Pizza Hut down the road.

Tbh I haven’t a clue of the French justice system

I wouldn’t worry about it. Neither do the French

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Sure they only git rid of the guillotine in 78 or 79

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