Long Live the king

This is excellent messaging by Michelle O’Neill. Personally I think she’s a good deal more formidable a politician than Mary Lou.


Some of us have moved on and are a lot older and wiser, buddy. I was no fan of Thatcher and never will be. I think she was awful. It wasn’t clever and it wasn’t right to celebrate her death, it was wrong and it was small.

Nevertheless one can at least rationalise people celebrating Thatcher’s death as she was a deeply toxic figure who destroyed communities and displayed a deeply hostile attitude to Ireland.

The Queen? Nah.

Imagine, you can have a different opinion to someone else?



Imagine, you can develop different opinions as you get older.

The INTERNET doesn’t allow that though.

No need to wonder about why public discourse is in the state it’s in.

Exactly that. Might be worth keeping in mind on occasion


You’re the worst cunt on here for digging up old posts, and selectively editing them


I don’t edit posts to take what people said out of context. I also enjoy the hilarity of people digging in and defending idiotic opinions they know are idiotic rather than just admitting they were idiotic.

I enjoy making posters who deserve to to be made look foolish look foolish.

And by jaysus you’ve looked very foolish here lately as you’ve kept digging in to moronic opinions!

I had a very hearty laugh at this.


Ironing mate. It’s you who is calling people with different opinions or from different lived experiences toxic and bigoted mate. Seems you might learn to live and let live a bit more.

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The views of those people aren’t from lived experience. That’s the point. They’re the views of young hotheads angry that they don’t live in a romanticised “heroic age” where they can shoot “themmuns” and are thus desperate to do idiotic things to try and “prove” their “Irishness” through demonstrations of hatred against “themmuns”. Just like bigots on the other side are angry hey can’t shoot “themmuns” and try to “prove” their Britishness with their KAT signs and putting images of Martin McGuinness on bonfires.

So, do you think these sort of opinions and mindsets are toxic and bigoted? Or do you think are they not?

I know you love straight answers…

This is all very unedifying squabbling from Paddy as we mourn the passing of Her Majesty.

Sammy Wilson will surely be sent out to bat against this one

The royal we?

He may not live long.

This has now been picked up on by the wider INTERNET.

But you read it here FIRST.

Elizabeth WinSam.

I agree with this. In decades past, I’d probably be giddily sharing these social media quips about the Queen’s passing but I think a lot of them are pretty lame (some are amusing & others are offensive). I often cringe when an ancient thread is bumped and I see stuff I’ve posted. Sometimes it’s because I’ve used “fook” instead of “fuck”, but it can also be the actual embarrassing content. The man who’s never changed is a man who’s never matured etc etc.

That said, I think leading Sinn Féin figures are now obsessed with portraying themselves are mature, reasonable and ready to govern. They’re constantly reaching out to the other side in a spirit of magnanimity and offering the hand of friendship. Now I don’t have a problem with them paying tributes to the Queen or congratulating Rory McIlroy for winning the Fed Ex Cup. But they shouldn’t ignore their bread and butter either. I didn’t see any of the cunts congratulating Jota on Twitter yesterday for winning the #cinch SPL goal of the month for July for that cracking opening weekend strike against the Dons.


Life is a marathon, not a sprint.