Long Live the king

Fairly breathtaking hypocrisy here given Mick Wallace is currently cheerleading a colonial genocide.

“Her role” was non-existent.

Lads are tremendous at imagining things that suit their miserable political ideologies when it suits.

Go back to targeting Ukrainian refugees and whining about the “feminisation of the west”.

Ok we’ve reached attack mode.

Continue lying to yourself

You attack others and then are unable to deal with a riposte without claiming victimhood.

Perhaps forumming is not for you.

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I generally try and respectfully discuss a topic and will absolutely defend myself when somebody lowers the tone.

You’re lashing out here because you know you’re wrong.

A new Prince of Wales as well with Prince William assuming control in the Principality. The Prince of Wales will also be responsible for the running of the Duchy of Cornwall. It’s a bit like the brother who has to perform the lions share of the chores around the house to carry the lazy brother. Which is a rather apt analogy here with the Sussexes so work shy.

Could be good timing just as wolves were circling on his ‘fundraising’

I don’t have to go very far out of my way to find fault with the British Royal Family I’m afraid. They sort of advertise their misdeeds themselves. The Green Party bears no truck with Elizabeth so I don’t believe my motives are political.

I have been measured in my words and indeed have even “gone way out of my way” to not demonise anyone. I refuse to accept that she bears no responsibility at all for all the many, many atrocities carried out in her name. Nearly all of which she refuses to condemn or apologise for.

She did of course apologise to her subjects in New Zealand. And very nearly apologised to the Irish people. But of course we sit a little higher in the rank of colonies than those in Africa and Asia.


Ain’t me lashing out, buddy. Have a wee gander at the thread on the Burkes for the last couple of weeks to see who’s an expert at lowering the tone.

That isn’t under discussion here. Look, you’re trying to deflect away from it now, it isn’t an easy stance to hold, the one you’ve taken.

I’ll be polite and let you at it. Goodnight

Eh, yeah, whatever.

From listening to all the stuff in the last few days. She seemed to value the stability of the monarchy over everything. Apologising for past British atrocities would maybe open some doors she didn’t want opened and throw the future of the monarchy into question even. I think she might have felt these regrettable issues keenly enough privately.


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Regrettable issues :grin:


I’m sure she’d understand people being happy that she passed if she was that self aware

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Yeah, I’d say she would and she should!

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We have a fair amount of west Brit cunts on this board all the same.


I’m sure lads here would be as understanding if Michael D. Higgins or the Pope were to die and Loyalists responded by celebrating on the streets.

Perhaps not actually.