Long Live the king

What attocities have been committed in Michael Ds name?

Ireland’s Call is probably the biggest one.


I’m genuinely embarrassed for you with that one.


When will my time come

Have lads learned nothing here over the last 2 years?


I’d strongly wager anybody who knows you is embarrassed for both for you and themselves all of the time.

Bullet points

I’m in no way saying that the British Army didn’t commit atrocities. They did clearly.

I was more commenting on why she has chosen not to address these with an apology. I think it is because it may undermine the monarchy and her family’s way of life.

Privately, I think she must surely acknowledge and regret those atrocities.

Atrocities to Poetry


Are there self proclaimed social democrats defending the concept of constitutional monarchy here? Bizarre behaviour

I hope the people of Balmoral have locked up their daughters. Prince Andrew is in town

Like Sweden, Denmark etc?

Have we Swedish and Danish posters? Unreal

Ive seen your wagers mate, 1 cent 20 fold accums don’t really convince me that you are a man of conviction in any context.


The point is that some of the most trumpeted social democratic States are constitutional monarchies.

Oh this wager is an absolute NAP.

Shit are we meant to be learning?

Arrested Development Taking Notes GIF by HULU

It’s a mental auld arrangement really, the whole monarchy thing. Flicked over to Euronews there and caught a No Comment segment - King Charlie was out and about, shaking the hands of his new subjects at impressive speed as they thrust camera phones in his face and chanted his name. House private, no flowers.

A Limerick wan in the crowd on a 2 day holiday delighted to meet him according to henry Keane newstalk