Long Live the king

Footix cunts not supporting their local team.

Young lads these days have no imagination of their own. It’s sad to see the decline in what passes for fun.

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I suppose there’s no LOI club in Meath. They could have thrown their support behind Dundalk or Drogheda though depending on location in Meath.

Interesting to see Shamrocks Rovers FC are on the same page as Jamie Bryson in condemning the actions of the fans.

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That interests you?

There’s a roaster/cager in the middle of them there with the sleeveless jacket and mullet.

Yeh. Surprised at the quisling actions of the club. Are you?

Leave him off, unless he’s firing the shots he ain’t interested in replying.
I’m waiting days for him to respond to a query regarding his ‘beloved Hoops’ and their carry-on.

The ultimate one-armed waiter.


He’s like Floyd Mayweather, a slippery fucker of a counter puncher

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Whats the query mate

Shamrock Rovers are the nations club now

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Yes, we seem to have a lot of new fans outside ireland too

The whole world was thinking it, Rovers were chanting it


The Paddywhacks will get their jocks in a twist when some bunch of English or Scottish club fans sing some anti Irish song in a few months.

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Please desist from liking this post of mine, I’m a big fan of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy myself.
He has a wonderful technique in roping lads into discussions where they fall for his contentious opinions.
Loathe as I am to say it - he’s a fantastic contributor to this forum.

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The club condemned the actions of the fans mate. A West Brit outfit

The fans are the club mate, the footix wouldn’t understand that