Long Live the king

Jedward’s market has atrophied.
They’d have been wearing English football gansys ten years ago like Niall Horan.
Their ship has well and truly sailed.
Only Brenda off the Gerry Ryan show paying them any heed now, and a few white collar lads who spend all their money following a British soccer franchise they’ve discovered latterly.

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Nothing wrong with what they said all the same

Heighway is English. Gerry Byrne ?? Sounds Irish.

They’re opportunists and hypocrites of the highest order, clambering on ever smaller bandwagons to try and stay relevant.

They were hardly ever relevant

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Why are they hypocrites?

I’ll just leave this bit of official jedward merchandising here

Is that not created by some fan Twitter account

Jedward lads… seriously

I love a row but even I’d draw the line at scrapping over jedward


You’d love them if they were from fucking Cork

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Steve Heighway was born in Dublin. First Liverpool player to be capped for Eire, to the best of my knowledge.

Gerry Byrne was born in Liverpool and was in the England squad of 22 that won the 1966 World Cup.

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Here’s one.

Jedward 1 - 0 @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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That seems to be a piece of fan art?

Nope. Official jedward merchandising.
They are miffed they didn’t get to present celebrity big brother Uk apparently, having made every play in the book to maintain their uk “profile”

I’m not going to go googling to find out, it looks like an image rather than merchandise. I don’t really understand your issue with their uk profile as you call it, that’s their livelihood isn’t it? I think you’re trying too hard here but now I seem to find myself defending jedward which is a bit odd too.

There’s been quite a discernible change in mood on the mainland this morning, gone is the mood of shock and mourning, now a sense of celebration of life