Long Live the king


I remember being dragged to see bishop brown in his coffin when I must have been about 5. Queues round the block. My oul fella is a staunch Catholic, but got a scholarship to Trinity. He said at the time that bishop brown said “if you’re a Catholic, and you go to trinity, you’ll go to hell”.

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Paddy seems to be totally obsessed by the Royal Family.

I honestly don’t get it. I mean I’d be anti-the concept of monarchy as a general principle but I can well see why the British would want to keep it. The Queen was alright. I’m sorry she died in the same way I was sorry Graham Taylor died.

It’s not as if the Queen dying being a big deal in Britain is some sort of shock. To be honest it’s been less of a deal in Britain than I expected.

But it has been a much bigger deal in Ireland than I expected, and entirely from those driven demented by it. The extremely predictable nature of the British mourning a 96 year old woman who had been a much loved head of state for 70 years seems to be genuinely ruining a lot of people’s lives here.

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Do you remember the tri potrait of the Pope and JFK? Who was the 3rd one?

My pal Stewy is a teacher up in the Moors beyond Oldham. He was told by the school to put aside some time to speak to his class of 12 year olds about the queen, and answer their questions.
He gave a short presentation, then opened the floor.
Q1. Will we get a day off?
Q2 Did she let Epstein use the lodge?
Q3 Will Andrew go to jail for being a paedophile?
He drew a line under it then.


Pope John 23rd, JFK, Pope Paul 6th.

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I’m sure I’d be correct in saying that sporting fixtures in Ireland were postponed after Erskine Childers died.

Exciting news for @Halfpipe and also for all of those in the Mourne County. His Majesty will be visiting Hillsborough Castle tomorrow.


Was Erskine Childers executed by the Brits?
Edit, worse, by our own.

He was executed by the Royal College Of Physicians.


President Childers father (also Erskine) was shot by the Free Staters at the behest of Kevin O’Higgins. He was arrested in possession of a pearl handled revolver and the penalty for being in possession of a firearm was death.

He was very unfortunate. Of all the places to get a heart attack.

A very strange collapse. Can you collapse while lying on your side having turned blue?

On 17 November 1974, during a conference to the psychiatrists of the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin, Childers suffered a congestional heart failure causing him to lie sideways and turn blue before suddenly collapsing.

The tans have completely lost it
Twelve days of mourning. Do they think it is Christmas?

I’m not sure what your Christmases are like but they don’t sound good.

Funny trio

If you believe in people being your betters through luck of what family you are born into it is much easier to reconcile in your head how you can and are better than others too through being born British.

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I love it. Paddy outraged at something going on in a different country, where you can just not look for it on Twitter etc, and not watch British tv for the week. Problem very easily solved.

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Sure the Irish are the masters of believing people are their betters through luck of what family they were born into. We love political family dynasties.