Madeline McCann Thread

This is all the forum needs now


IIRC BIAT’s response to the last time this came up was to put his fingers in his ears and refuse to accept any of the valid criticisms of the parents

Everything about the parents is suspicious. If your child goes missing would you go on a Europe wide tour meeting heads of state and the pope? Would you plead for funding to your unregistered charity. Write a book about it. The millions spent by the british taxpayers considering the inconsistency in their story or lack of answering investigatiors questions when there has been hundreds or thousands of other children go missing with not an ounce of the same publicity. A child going missing is terrible dont get me wrong but it’s very hard to believe them. Hopefully I’m wrong tfh


You like to take the moral high ground a lot don’t you?

The parents left their 3 kids under 5 alone to go out for dinner. That alone should have evoked some sort of charge.


She’s deleted that tweet.

A few news outlets including rte have reported it

Channel 4 news corroborated it

The suspect is in custody but is it not for completely unrelated matters?

Saw on the BBC news there that he has a history of sexual attacks on girls.

Christ but there are some bad bastards out there.

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Its all over tomorrows rags


I hope she’s found safe and sound and reunited with her family. Would she have any sort of life do ye think if she was found?

Hopefully for the child that cu t had nothing to do with her. Of all scenarios something like that would have been the worst

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He’s not in custody is I guess why she deleted it but he is in jail

He’s been done for breaking into hotels as well before.

I’m sorry to be cynical, but there’s a simultaneous news dump on a regular basis which seems to ensure it stays on the front pages, and seems to occur whenever funding comes under threat.
I have zero suspicion that the parents be were actively involved in any way, though they don’t come across as particularly warm, or grateful considering how much money they have requested and received, always defensive, cold, belligerent and entitled, but every time there’s a suggestion that the UK govt are going to finally stop paying the enormous sums required to keep the investigation ongoing, another lead pops up.
Maybe this lad is actually guilty, but given that the parents have repeatedly said the place was crawling with predatory paedophiles, (and stood back and stood back and watched whilst innocent people were thrown to the wolves), the fact that one (allegedly) has been located who may have been in the vague area and may have sold his car seems a bit light at this stage.
I can’t imagine what they have been through, and I hope they get an answer. Maybe this is it, but it seems fairly circumstantial.


You’d hope they have something fairly concrete to be making those kind of accusations

Well they had nothing whatsoever on any of the previous “suspects”


One newspaper ran with a story about the first guy, Morat I think, to say that he had been seen ‘acting like Huntley’.

I presume ‘Huntley’ is a reference to child killer Ian Huntley but I am not sure a random observer of Morat would know how Huntley would act.

Basically a load of shite with some poor fucker’s name dragged through the mud.


Think the whole bloody media circus would stop and leave that kid rest in peace wherever she is, obviously long dead, the fuckers keep dragging it up


Suspect is not in custody for this, he’s already in prison for a different offence. Christ above :rollseyes: