Madeline McCann Thread

You’ll need to ladybird the more clever quips for art.

No great surprise here.

Coming up the the anniversary so expect a few articles in the next couple of weeks

a new suspect will emerge, and its totally them this time, when the met’s budget starts to run out

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Tony Kelly is overrated imo


If you’re accusing him of something you should just come out and say it.

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Just trying to bring the thread back on topic


That’my m.o. cunt

Nasty stuff

An Garda Síochána to begin combing the area of Owenahincha beach, 50km away from where Sophie Toscan Du Plantier was killed.

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They could send over the lad who solved the Graham Reilly case by finding the items in the reservoir.

Why exactly are they so sure this German chap did it.

Any joy with the search?

Did you think they’d be in and out in 15 minutes?

Is this the area the McCanns visited a lot? I remember there was some triangle that they regularly visited after they rented the hire car because there phones would ping from the masts in this area. I remember reading reports that they put a lot of mileage on the hire car.

Could be completely wrong about the area as its been awhile since i looked into this case.

Seems to be because he was a sicko/rapist/pedo who was living in the area at the time, his phone triangulated in the area at the time she vanished (I think) and thirdly someone in jail with him said he confessed it to him. How they’ve landed on the area in question must be from the same intel, maybe he told your man where he buried her. Overall it looks like it will lead to nothing but wouldn’t it be great if they found her remains and could close this.


A non-story I’d say.