Major Boosts to the Irish Economy

Closed roads for lily Allen and Jemima Khan :smile:

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Ah you know her, the first born of Lady Annabel Vane-Tempest-Stewart and Sir James Goldsmith. Shes been passed around a fair bit now though, Hugh Grant flopped on her for a while and even Russell Brand has knocked it by now.

Lily cole i think not Allan. Fancies herself as a web designer.

In her day, she was stunning.

Even more of a no mark

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Fuck sake, I’ve just realised this thing is taking place this week, I presumed all that shit about it meant it had already left. I really despise that Cosgrave cunt now.

Cosgrove has quite the opinion of himself

He’s an absolute cunt from a couple of anecdotal stories I heard today.


Has he been nominated in the cunt of the year thread?

He sure is full of himself.

I think I posted the one about him emailing a guy’s boss for criticising the Web Summit on a Comments section the week before last year’s one

Fair play to him for making this a real go but his ego is just ridiculous. I hope the Government don’t deal with the fucker again after this.

There is a sign up for Deli staff needed in the window of the Spar on the corner of Camden Street and Harrington Road. It’s the first time I’ve seen that in years. The boom is getting boomier.

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You’d want to hear the absolute wank they make people go through to VOLUNTEER at their event. Working for free for the cunt and there’s interviews the fucking works.

The one I heard today was about him lambasting a guy in front of the rest of his workforce who handed in his notice to go work for another tech company. Along the lines of “we’re changing the world you fool and you want to leave, well fook off so” before hunting the guy out of the office. There was another one but I was only half listening and couldn’t be arsed making one up.


Not like you mate.


I know, pal. This is the personal growth I was shiteing on about last week.

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Did he hunt him with a length of hose pipe? It would be a much better story if he did.

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Embellish it whatever way you want to, pal.

Skhwan, skhwan, shkwan


What do the lads who work for him actually do? Organise and event and sell booths for a once a year event? And then someone to manage their FB and Twitter pages? How does he employ so many people?