Major Boosts to the Irish Economy

The aim is not to build a viable company in the long term but to develop a product or prototype and get bought out. Same as biotech companies.

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This is true. However, most come up short as they haven’t proved that they won’t be a cash drain on a larger company.

There are exceptions like AdServe but the vast majority of these projects are pipe dreams.

Just a bunch of weirdos. No ballsy guys.



The Guys who makes thing happen.

Ah lovely

@TreatyStones posts how the government fucked up the Web Summit and it gets a trimming here and Paddy gets destroyed in Cunt of the Year and Faces You’d Love to Smack within hours.

Hon TFK.


Another great move by Enda and Lord Noonan. Web summit :unamused: go and fuck.


Paddy Cosgrave is a weirdo

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Expecting the State to dance to the beat of his drum

Touch of the Verruca Salts about those emails

Ugly. Really, really ugly.

He’s fairly thrown the toys out of the pram, this Cosgrave fella. Still and all i don’t mind a fella who makes a show of an old fashioned, under performing authority such as in this case the Irish government. Fair enough he is a bit of a hipster cunt, but they should have had the cop on to work with him a bit to ensure the show stayed in Ireland. They reckon it was worth a few million to the economy, coupled with the bit of tourism and goodwill it brought that was good enough for me for making efforts to ensure it was kept here.

It’s pure lazy arrogance.

Ah yeah, they’ll stay here. We’re grand…Oh shit.

Whatever you think of Paddy Cosgrove, his possible/probable weirdness is trumped by the incompetence of the government. Listening to Pascal on RTÉ at the moment making an absolute fool of himself. The documents in the public domain are just undermining every excuse and red herring he is offering.


Was thinking same myself.
“We have a horse show and young scientist exhibition” :grinning:

I heard a good one about Paddy Cosgrave a few months ago which really made me question the guys sanity. Underneath a news article about the Web Summit someone posted a half critical remark about the Summit becoming more of a pissup than anything else anymore, that small start ups would struggle to afford the entrance fees which had grown and grown.

Paddy took exception to the comment and obviously went and researched the commenter (who had posted under their Facebook account). He sent an email to the guy and CC’d your man’s boss, who happens to be one of Ireland’s great tech success stories as well as someone who works under PC in the Web Summit who went to school with the commenter (he must gone through mutual friends on FB to discover this). The email was a long winded defense and had slight digs in it. He obviously sent it to embarrass the guy who commented in front of his boss and mate. The tech boss called up the lad (who was shitting himself a bit) up to his office and told him that PC was considered a bit of a joke by the tech community.

This was a week before the Web Summit, the same week where Cosgrave moaned about the Wi-FI and obviously hadn’t the right contingencies in place. He had important internet arguments to settle.
You’d admire him but he’s clearly a bit nuts.

From Planet rugby forum. Quoting in this doesn’t work so just C&P.

Just move on and make your money. He’s got a strong case of the DOB and Donald Trump megalomania


Someone will fill the vacuum. Half of them who come over here just want to go on the piss in Dublin

But was it that much of a fucking nuisance for the government to tell him “yeah we’ll guarantee traffic calming measures in the area on the day, a few buses to and from the centre yeah that’s fine, wireless at the venue yeah we can improve that.” That’s all he was pushing for. There was a total arrogance about the way they dealt with him, strung him along and more or less told him to fuck off. He took his ball and went somewhere else with it and that’s his choice. End of the day this event is his baby and his livelihood and it is his job to make it the best experience it can be, the demands he was making were minuscule. Enda boasted earlier in the year that the event was worth €100m to the Dublin economy. If it was even worth €10m it was surely worth the effort of keeping it. I think the government come out of this whole thing shockingly bad.

It’s harder to put in traffic calming procedures during the week. Ballsbridge and Dublin 4 is one of the major arteries of the city. The RDS actually host a serious number of events during the year, some probably the size of the Web Summit. Are there traffic calming measures for the Horse Show ect?

The WiFi is a smokescreen. That’s between him and the RDS. As that story up there shows Cosgrave is more interested in winning arguments on the internet a week before his Summit than anything else.

I don’t begrudge the guy for going out there and making some money but from the sounds of it he was just looking for an excuse to leave as Lisbon were offering a good deal.

I think ultimately though that Paddy’s ego will be a little lost being on the continent. He loves being the big dick in Irish tech circles. The Business Press in this country are appalling, and particularly the ones who write about Technology, he’s been getting an awful lot of feel good stories for years.



He’s probably made his mind up months ago and this is all a nicely scripted narrative to make paddy look like the good guy. He wanted a traffic management plan emailed to him 9 months before the event, did he need to know the exact number of busses he’d be getting for free?

The WiFi is a red herring. It’s practically impossible to provide WiFi for 10,000 people in an enclosed area, especially if all of them are geeks with 3 devices. There are only so many channels on the 2 frequencies used for WiFi and most devices are programmed to use the legacy one, 2.4 ghz. This will be a disaster in Lisbon too.

The civil servants must have had some chuckle at Cosgrove and his demands. :smile: