Major Boosts to the Irish Economy

You called his bluff there the grandest

Exactly I’d say.

Here’s the problem. You’ve lads stacking cans from a Berlingo claiming they’re artistes.

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Art begins and ends for you with „The Deluge”

Carping is a real thing with you.

Being able to apply for all the right grants is an art…

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Wow you showed me.

And good at it too you are.

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There was nothing before the deluge

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Chump will start quoting this like the Donald

The 2028 Euros will be worth €600m to the Irish Economy

Post bookmarked.

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Germany v France at Flancare Park will be epic

Cost is not equal to Worth

That would require 600,000 people to spend €1k each. Given we will likely get, what, one group of 4? Seems a tad ambitious

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We are all expecting 150,000 visitors. So they will spend €4K each. They will be gouged at every turn so that is a possibility

Julio spends that on burgers from a van in Kerry.

I think the teams will probably spend more than that. And TV companies and journalists.

And then the ordinary fan will be gouged

The credit unions of europe will be rubbing their hands with glee

You are only focusing on the quantitative metrics. The real value is in the qualitative stuff.