Major Boosts to the Irish Economy

Take the example above, replace all taxi drivers with drones -probably not a net benefit to society. This article touches on the same thing

McGinley’s lucrative keynote address will be on “bringing people together as a team” and “harnessing dynamic creative energy”. He’ll also be telling made up stories about him setting up online businesses, and afterwards he’ll be leading a load of geeks in baseball caps on a pub crawl entitled “the 18 holes”.

I saw yesterday that there will be no Croke Park Classic this year because the government haven’t backed it financially and the GAA would stand to lose money on it without this support.

The article I read mentioned that this would result on the Irish economy missing out on a €30m boost.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 1129062, member: 9”]I saw yesterday that there will be no Croke Park Classic this year because the government haven’t backed it financially and the GAA would stand to lose money on it without this support.

The article I read mentioned that this would result on the Irish economy missing out on a €30m boost.[/QUOTE]
Surely an opportunity there to take the match to Innovate Park?

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 1129062, member: 9”]I saw yesterday that there will be no Croke Park Classic this year because the government haven’t backed it financially and the GAA would stand to lose money on it without this support.

The article I read mentioned that this would result on the Irish economy missing out on a €30m boost.[/QUOTE]

I thought it is going ahead this year and wont happen from 2016 onwards

You may very well be correct, pal. Apologies if I’ve spread false information about the forum.

Any estimates how much all these gobshites flying home to vote will contribute to the economy?

Another master stroke by the Michael Noonan led government. Take the heat off Irish water and give the overall economy a boost with all these people coming home and spending their disposable income.

think the gga said its cancelled unless the state pay for it

The greedy GAA after seeing how well the Notre Dame game did have probably wrecked the whole concept now with that dumb fixture last year. Far too big a venue with a terrible match day experience. There was talk of Alabama coming over at some point which is a huge pity as they’d come over in droves. Those hicks have nothing else going for them other than American Football and will happily waste their limited cash following the Crimson Tide.

+1. I went to the Notre Dame game in Aviva Stadium. A brilliant day in a great stadium and retired to The Beggar’s Bush and The 51 afterwards. I avoided “The Croke Park Classic” like the plague last year. A shitty unfinished dilapidated ground in a rough area. No thank you.

  • Gay Weddings
  • Gay Engagement parties
  • Swinging Gay parties in nightclubs
  • Elaborate celebration parties

The hospitality sector will be booming after this referendum

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 1146118, member: 109”]- Gay Weddings

  • Gay Engagement parties
  • Swinging Gay parties in nightclubs
    -Elaborate celebration parties

The hospitality sector will be booming after this referendum[/QUOTE]

What about the HSE as a result of the above :eek:

Dublin has lost the Web Summit to Lisbon


Looks like the Government completely fucked away the web summit.

Was it really such a big deal in the grand scheme of things? There are various other tech summits held around the globe. Just seemed to me to be a vehicle for this Cosgrave guy to self promote himself to tech companies.

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Is anybody involved in tech start ups?

Do you know anyone who is?

My in depth research* shows that these companies are invariably set up as Special Purpose Vehicles, employ few if any employees and contribute fuck all tax.

It was a gathering for nerds to feel better about themselves.

*financial statements of two companies in “this space” set up by former colleagues.

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I was involved in a couple, as an employee, between 2011-2013. 90% of them fail as they’re spearheaded by owners looking for a quick buck and with no sales or marketing plan.

Mainly they employee six people maximum.

I’d imagine that they’re more a drain on the economy due to going into receivership with 11 months on average.


Huge failure rate. Some of the guys running the show are
technical geniuses but when it comes to actually monetizing the product, they
fall short in a big way.

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Yeah, there’s a serious lack of business plans in a lot of cases and they always end up chasing the short term cash flow, when this doesn’t come in they inevitably fail.

At the same time there are a few individuals that I encountered that were expert at securing government investment and other fund investment. They run the companies for the 18 months before moving on to the next projects,. Everything is put through expenses where possible.

A complete jokeshop.

Yes, this is a unique skillset but its also a proven business model :wink:

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