Making a will

That was quick

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Not quick enough

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I’ve no hassle about rings but missus has idea in her head about them going to next female in family which in her head is her sister and god daughter. However the sister has always been an eyes on the prize merchant and I wouldn’t trust her to pass them on.

Either my son takes it or passes it on in due course if he has a daughter. Apparently there’s all sorts of traditions related to wedding/engagement rings and the pass on.

I’m not a hungry cunt @Fagan_ODowdit’s just the attitude of the sister that annoys me


There’s a lad up in Donnycarney that can.

If you’ve a credit union account, they’ll arrange it for it to be done for free

Seems like you need to go and make a daughter

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If ye have a daughter, I’d say all of your wife’s jewellery should go to her, her rings especially, not that it’s any of my business.

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Actually mate

Yep, have one. Did it with all the other legal stuff last year. All kids and Ms Locke looked after. Worth doing lads. Makes everything tidy in case


I haven’t done a will… Solicitor who done house offered to do it for free but he was such a useless bastard with house I haven’t bothered the cunt since… Presumed the missus would get the house if anything happened to me … Have nothing else really… We never bothered with wedding rings… Engagement ring was dear enough but she doesn’t gives a toss where it ends up, she barely wears it and leaves it all over the house… Actually there’s a question… Do I have to inform the solicitor who done the mortgage, that we are married (we weren’t when we got the house) or is marriage cert enough if anything fatal did happen? i can’t stand talking to the bastard…

No you need to phone the solicitor and tell him that you have got married since you last saw him. Do this ASAP.


Remember lads any will drawn up before marriage is revoked by marriage.

I think you’re lampooning me…

Ah here.

That’s sounds a much better plan.

Who the fuck is going to draw up a will before they’re married in fairness? I’d say most people wait until they are over 50, rightly or wrongly.

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I made a will, hopefully wont need to be read out any year soon

Hopefully not before you die anyway…

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A local handyman/builder “Pat Ryan” in the McGahern novel was our neighbour for my lifetime. He had his good and bad days, liked a few pints in spurts and then would go missing for months. I remember him being in the house with a lock of neighbours one night and the Boss calling order.
Subsequently, years after, my children were banned by Grandpa from the turfshed.
Grandpa, while being a great grandpa, could go mental at rule-breaks. It transpired, in latter years, that a large wedge of money was secreted in the same turfshed.
There was mild and wry comments when the small Boxty’s benefitted to the tune of €100 each. Such are wills and eccentric, flamboyant beneficiaries.

Míle buiochas a Peadar.