Man City

you are witty

What does winder mean in this context, Mike?

Im only havin a laugh chief. Im bored. Went on a wum and it backfired

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It happens bro. Don’t beat yourself up

I won’t.

The Galway lads are fierce tetchy these days for some reason mike, try not to pay much notice to them

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You really know you’ve hit rock bottom when @Fran feels compelled to give you an e hug

Everybody gets there at some stage, one day you will too, and you’ll be glad of it

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It’s okay not to be okay

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Just seen it on the news there, it’s a beauty in fairness.

A once off. The new kit isn’t a patch on it sadly

One of the genuine good guys

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Commentator/physio eye

How long is he out for? They’ll miss him. Some sub to have.

Bitterly disapproving to see this from city fans. You’d regularly see it from Liverpool but never city. That’s the second unsavory incident in the Eithad this season.

Yet you have grown irishmen with kids who religiously follow these teams.

Stupid cunts. A few belonging to City died in the crash too

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Man Utd fans, always the victim… Who will they threaten to murder tonight?