Man Utd - A disgraceful success

Fair enough. Its true. I would rather talk about what happened on the pitch. Getting one over Fergie is irrelevant.

and their making no noise

+1 to all that.

Re: croppy’s question:
Ive seen / heard some some horrible stuff at football matches, the racisim at games in Eastern Europe is unnatural ( particually in Serbia and Croatia) and often it is so bad that away fans just dont come to away matches,
Anyone who has ever been to a game in Greece of Turkey will tell you the same.
The most violent and dangerous athmosphere i ever saw was at Olympiakos and PAOK Salonika in Pireus 2 years ago in the Greek League, maybe its because i couldnt understand what they were saying that i thought it was “entertaining” or something but clearly there is a strong dislike between these 2 sides and its was free game with regard to any possible antagonism or intimidation one could deem to be necessary to incite hatred.

Ive a season ticket here with Beitar, Burning arab / israeli flags are common place at games, stuff getting thrown at black players, rioting after games, smashing up shopping malls that have an ethcnic concenetration of a particular worker ( a common practice when Beitar loose to a team that has an arab following), songs about the holocaust from the opposition, Nazi signals… i agree this is bad but its just common place now and if you go every week you just choose to expect it and ignore and or get involved depending on your mood… it dosent even make national news any more… id imagine places like ukraine, poland arent much better

The issue here tho is that LFC continually seem to see themselves as different or above this because of various issues that they have been involved in and therefore all other fans are in the wrong, Soccer is a game followed by anaimals all over the world, LFC just need to realise that they are definitly no better if not marginally worse than all the rest.

Why can’t they get along?

That’s twice you have gotten it wrong. Fucking hell, TASE :shakefist:

Or these 2?

"You started it.

No you started it.

No you did.

No it was you"

Fucking pathetic, only surpassed by Irish people carrying it on as if they are Mancs or Scousers about it.


There was no evidence of that, pal. It started after the Utd fans began chanting, a whole 13 mins in. It was all pretty subdued until that.


They started it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

nice video

Throw in a few knives, some spitting, a bit more agro, a few slaps, a few gardai on the scene, a few worse haircuts, farmers tans, few ‘witty’ made up songs about English football teams, and you’d be looking at the same scenario if Liverpool played a challange match in thomand park or talkaght stadium

Smashing post there from from my good friend mickee-as the song goes always the victims…This shit happens all over the world it’s just that the Liverpudlians are over-sensitive and always display a victims mentality.

I had heard the “Where are your Munich songs” chants alright well before the end. Its always going to be this way. Always a few that will ruin it for everyone. Both sides.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:clap: :clap: The carry on of some Irish “supporters” is quite sad.

If only they could all be like us Shan, the world would be a better place.

Change the thread title please.

Soccerball and its followers in general are a disgrace.

kilkenny fans signing about the Tipp lads brother that died is worse as he only died that week

Unlike the O’Irish :rolleyes: