Man Utd - A disgraceful success

Do you think the cunt was bothered for most of the season?

In Jose we trust.


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No, but I think that’s due to poor man management from Mourinho. He seems to have been able to be managed fine until this season

Other than needing relevant coaching badges, are there any fitness to manage/practice criteria or a code of conduct that applies to football managers? It doesn’t get much worse than obstructing your own medical team from treating an injured player.

You can’t go from being able to be managed fine to unmanageable as a player. Most likely be was always a cunt but tolerated as long as the team were winning. He wouldn’t have lasted long with Cody, ask Charlie Carter or Cha.

Hazard is notorious for faking injury.

Your first point sums it up. A player can’t go from being managed fine to being unmanageable. Hazard was managed fine for all of his career until last season

No, he was and is unmanageable. As long as things were going OK he was tolerated. First lad to throw the toys out of the pram when things are not going 100% for him (not the team, doesn’t give a shit about them or the club). Surely you played with cunts like that?

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How twee.

Not many footballers care much about the club they play for so it is one of manager’s jobs to ensure they are fully motivated

Did you head along @Tassotti? I see proceedings have settled.

Former Chelsea doctor Eva Carneiro has settled her dismissal claim against the club on confidential terms.

Dr Carneiro had claimed constructive dismissal against the club and was also bringing separate legal action against former manager Jose Mourinho.

On Monday it emerged Chelsea offered Dr Carneiro £1.2m to settle her claims which she had rejected.

Chelsea said it “regretted the circumstances” which led to the former first team doctor leaving the club.

In a statement Dr Carneiro said: “I am relieved that today we have been able to conclude this tribunal case. It has been an extremely difficult and distressing time for me and my family and I now look forward to moving forward with my life.”

Chelsea Football Club have issued the following statement:

"The club regrets the circumstances which led to Dr Carneiro leaving the club and apologises unreservedly to her and her family for the distress caused.

"We wish to place on record that in running onto the pitch Dr Carneiro was following both the rules of the game and fulfilling her responsibility to the players as a doctor, putting their safety first.

It added: "Jose Mourinho also thanked Dr Carneiro for the excellent and dedicated support she provided as First Team Doctor and he wishes her a “successful career”.

Can you not just admit that Mourinho is a horrible cunt

Ancelloti won the champions league with the players labanne is slagging


@rocko, why, as the OP, can’t I change the thread title back to what it was?

Say please.

I’ve been promoted to admin, pal. What would you like it to say?

Rocko clipped our wings some time back mate after a few lads got upset. I’m sure he’ll rescind it now we’ve learned our lesson.

He is an absolutely horrible cunt. You pretty much have to be, even the one’s that appear nice in public are probably the worst cunts behind doors. Ferguson was the biggest cunt who ever walked a touchline


Man Utd- A disgrace.