Man Utd - A disgraceful success

Lads on the internet - all genuine Liverpool fans who swore on the bible to be upright and honest in everything they say online :grin:

You literally, could not, make it, up.

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They even tried to murder their captain.

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And support a player who nearly murdered an opposition fan…seriously though, never has there been a club that lick arse to a manager that castawayed and disrespect players who were a big influence on their succesd. He won the troohies but that shit doesnt sit right with me

Bottom line is that Man U are about winning and nothing else. Three years ago after 20 years of almost non-stop success, there was all this sniffy talk from Old Trafford that Mourinho was beneath a club of their class and stature. There’s none of that talk from Old Trafford now notwithstanding the fact that Mourinho’s behaviour and conduct have deteriorated alarmingly over the intervening three years. It will be interesting to see how events play out in the Constructive Dismissal case listed for hearing at Croydon Employment Tribunal on 6 June. I would have thought a football club which adhered to any sort of proper value system would stay well clear of Mourinho until the events of 8 August 2015 and its aftermath have played out.


A hugely unusual amount of grown men wearing Man Utd jersies/tops etc in the Pavilions SC in Swords earlier.

Fucking weirdos


Heatons was selling official Man U jerseys for 12 euro 2 days ago. Assume there will be a new one next season.

Haven’t been able to wear them all year I suppose.

Giggs all set to get fucked out the door now that José is the gaffer. Well and good, he’s a slack jawed simpleton cunt who fucked his own brothers wife for years, but even still, he was one of their own.


The United Way.


Indeed. If he could keep his cock in his pants he might have had a chance.,

The usual suspects rattled as fuck over the goings on at the Theatre of Dreams. #weareunited

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It’s on in Croydon. Is that open to the public? If so I’d head in. I’m in here in Thornton Heath myself. A grand spot

I think its only Family Law proceedings and cases involving minors that are heard in camera so members of the public probably can wander in. It would be terrific to see the world’s finest justice system in operation.

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You’d get a far better ruling that you would in the likes of Ireland

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Interesting assessment from the Communist publication.

Mourinho does have a decent record in dragging average sides up a level. Chelsea 2014/15 and his two European Cup wins with Porto in 2004 and Internazionale in 2010 were with unfancied sides. Man U are similarly an average side in need of inspiration. The big risks are the whispering campaign that will now emanate from Stamford Bridge and the doubts over how he fell out with so many players at Madrid and Chelsea. The other time bomb is the the Old Trafford hierarchy have had cold feet about appointing him, Sir Bobby in particular as he was viewed as beneath a club of their supposed class and not in tune with the ‘United Way’. This will be thrown back at him quickly enough if things go wrong early.

The biggest negative or question mark over him is the way he fell out at Chelsea (and indeed at Madrid) with so many key players. It’s a risky appointment largely because of his own and his new club’s antics in recent years.

His problems at Madrid and this year at Chelsea were players with oversized egos who regard themselves as bigger than the team, manager and club. He has proven himself in the past to be an excellent man manager and motivator, but when you have a few poisonous players at the club they can bring evrryone down as their ego is all that matters. For all his skill Hazard is an obvious cunt and impossible to manage. Mourinho will have learned his lessons and clear out anyone like that at United, not that there are many.

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Hazard impossible to manage :smile: