It’s genuinely fascinating trying to have a debate with you. It’s like a conversation with a toddler.
- You think McGuinness is an excellent soccer coach.
- You have seen a grand total of zero seconds of the output of his soccer coaching.
- This rush to judgement is particularly funny given you weren’t overly enamoured with his management of Donegal and called for his resignation after a defeat in 2013.
- You said he is “as qualified as you can get” to be a soccer coach.
- That’s objectively false. He is 2 levels short of the minimum requirement to be a head coach in any country in Europe, where he has been doing all his work so far.
- You then said that UEFA licenses are a farce.
- You then said that they are largely ignored by the Spanish and Portuguese. This is blatantly untrue.
- Now you think UEFA licenses in Iceland aren’t a farce. (In response to learning that every coach of every child has one and is paid to coach). But they are a farce in Ireland. We don’t know yet whether you think they are farce in Scotland or not. At a guess I’d say your considered opinion will be that they’re not a farce in Germany or Netherlands or Sweden but they will be a farce in Scotland and Wales and England. And we don’t yet know how you’ll row back from saying they’re meaningless in Spain and Portugal.
- All of which continues to ignore the fact that McGuinness is getting a job in China that he is indisputably not qualified to do in any country in Europe. Therefore he is in, indeed, skipping the queue. I hope it works out well for him.