Manchester United 2014/15

I thought having a child yourself would make you more empathetic. That’s just vile stuff from you. I’m absolutely appalled.

what kind of sick cunt are you to think having a child would make someone more empathetic to someone who stood idly by and let child abuse happen?

you odious vile cunt

Quelle surprise, fooley is a daily mail reader.

Whats more surprising is your ability to read

He has 4000 odd posts on this forum and you think it is a surprise that he can read. Deary me

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1006752, member: 179”]what kind of sick cunt are you to think having a child would make someone more empathetic to someone who stood idly by and let child abuse happen?

you odious vile cunt[/QUOTE]

You’re making no sense here, pal. You’re a nasty and vindictive piece of work.

i’m not your pal now sling your hook you odious little creep

You’ve got a deformed head.

You ugly British cunt.

[QUOTE=“Bartosz Bereszynskiego, post: 1006776, member: 9”]You’ve got a deformed head.

You ugly British cunt.[/QUOTE]
and youre an oil painting? with your wonky hip, large forehead and sweaty arse you’re quite the catch

you really are a horrendous little shit. you get all helen lovejoy about some little snot nosed kid who’s player changed his number meaning his kit was slightly out of date

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1006778, member: 179”]and youre an oil painting? with your wonky hip, large forehead and sweaty arse you’re quite the catch

you really are a horrendous little shit. you get all helen lovejoy about some little snot nosed kid who’s player changed his number meaning his kit was slightly out of date[/QUOTE]

Yes, I’m delightful looking.

You on the other hand have taken to gloating over a child being upset, making false allegations about a deceased person and point scoring over child sex abuse. You’re an absolutely disgusting individual. A horrible excuse of a human being. A Humberside prick with comedy buck teeth, a slaphead and a big fat belly. You’re a fucking embarrassment. You bald, English cunt.

Any news on Welbeck wanting away from United? @Captainshan[/USER] [USER=141]@Mullach Ide[/USER] [USER=179]@artfoley

[QUOTE=“Bartosz Bereszynskiego, post: 1006784, member: 9”]Yes, I’m delightful looking.

You on the other hand have taken to gloating over a child being upset, making false allegations about a deceased person and point scoring over child sex abuse. You’re an absolutely disgusting individual. A horrible excuse of a human being. A Humberside prick with comedy buck teeth, a slaphead and a big fat belly. You’re a fucking embarrassment. You bald, English cunt.

Any news on Welbeck wanting away from United? @Captainshan[/USER] [USER=141]@Mullach Ide[/USER] [USER=179]@artfoley[/QUOTE]

I’d ask you to say any of that to my face but I know you’re just a keyboard hero

point scoring? you have no empathy with the victims of that abuse. you just get your righteous indignation for when anyone questions the great jock stein.

you’re an odious & vile excuse for a person and i hope you die roaring.

no news on welbeck AFAIK

[*][QUOTE=“Bartosz Bereszynskiego, post: 1006784, member: 9”]
[/QUOTE][/LIST][QUOTE=“Bartosz Bereszynskiego, post: 1006784, member: 9”]

Any news on Welbeck wanting away from United? @Captainshan[/USER] [USER=141]@Mullach Ide[/USER] [USER=179]@artfoley[/QUOTE]

Rumours that Everton are in talks for him.

+1 on your appraisal of fooley.

[QUOTE=“Mullach Ide, post: 1006787, member: 141”]

+1 on your appraisal of fooley.[/QUOTE]
i’ll gut you like a fish, mongtard

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1006785, member: 179”]I’d ask you to say any of that to my face but I know you’re just a keyboard hero

point scoring? you have no empathy with the victims of that abuse. you just get your righteous indignation for when anyone questions the great jock stein.

you’re an odious & vile excuse for a person and i hope you die roaring.

no news on welbeck AFAIK[/QUOTE]

You clearly don’t have any empathy anyway, you mutant cunt. Is odious your new favourite term? You posted the vile and odious stuff on this thread earlier and you’re the keyboard hero spouting offensive shit. You wouldn’t dare make fun of that child in front of his father or make your vile comments about the late Mr Stein to his family members. Face it, you’re a despicable cunt with absolutely no redeeming features. Speaking of features, you’ve unfortunately been blessed with horrendous looks. Goofy head. Cheers for the Welbeck update.

Rubbish banter.

maybe i’m overusing odious, probably because i’m not as involved in this as you are. what can i say, my standards are slipping, maybe next time i’ll dig out the thesaurus

and as for making fun of the father and big jock. there’s been plenty of times you’ve spouted shite on here laughing at other’s misery that you, the big keyboard hero that you are, wouldnt dream of laughing at in real life. we’re all hypocrites here, probably you more than most given your karloffian forehead, repugnant personality and utter failure to do what you were put on the earth to do; reproduce

if i hear anything on the welbeck situatio I’ll let you know. still reckon he’s just another heskey

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1006793, member: 179”]maybe i’m overusing odious, probably because i’m not as involved in this as you are. what can i say, my standards are slipping, maybe next time i’ll dig out the thesaurus

and as for making fun of the father and big jock. there’s been plenty of times you’ve spouted shite on here laughing at other’s misery that you, the big keyboard hero that you are, wouldnt dream of laughing at in real life. we’re all hypocrites here, probably you more than most given your karloffian forehead, repugnant personality and utter failure to do what you were put on the earth to do; reproduce

if i hear anything on the welbeck situatio I’ll let you know. still reckon he’s just another heskey[/QUOTE]

You truly are a weird cunt. That comment about reproduction is absurd. Are you watching the clock to see which people reproduce before others? Is reproduction the ultimate aim of everyone? Some people have no interest in having children whereas you seem to be one of these oddballs who goes around congratulating himself about it. Well done, mate. That said, I hope you haven’t inflicted the world with another ugly deformed mutant like yourself.

@balbec, this isn’t banter. This is me taking issue with the horrible Humberside cunt.

@balbec, this isn’t banter. This is me taking issue with the horrible Humberside cunt.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. But it gets tedious after a few pages.,

[QUOTE=“Bartosz Bereszynskiego, post: 1006803, member: 9”]You truly are a weird cunt. That comment about reproduction is absurd. Are you watching the clock to see which people reproduce before others? Is reproduction the ultimate aim of everyone? Some people have no interest in having children whereas you seem to be one of these oddballs who goes around congratulating himself about it. Well done, mate. That said, I hope you haven’t inflicted the world with another ugly deformed mutant like yourself.
I wish you well in your life and endeavours and may every slight you make on others be returned with an act of kindness, a kindness which is clearly lacking

Reproduction is the ultimate aim of all species.