Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Sure back in the day the best English teams were just the best British and Irish players with an odd foreigner, now the best English teams are choosing from anywhere in the world. We did have better players back then but its not as much of a gulf as people think

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Ah sure I know the net is cast alot wider now but seeing as there wouldnt be a language barrier,similar enough cultures and obviously mostly the same weather,im at a lost why we aint producing.
My basic point is an Irish lad would surely be at an advantage starting off fitting in as opposed to a 16 year old from the likes of France/Brazil etc.
The culture shock wouldnt be next or near for our lads.

They’re not living in Mrs sugdens spare room and eating egg and chips for tea these days in fairness.


At one stage they brought in a rule that only players within a certain radius could be brought in underage. It was to stop big clubs hoovering up all the talent in England.
Trouble was English clubs the started looking further a field as the rules did not apply over seas. So in stead of lads from London and Waterford clubs started looking to Spain and elsewhere,

No that’s not true. It’s simple maths. The clubs are fishing in a far bigger pool, essentially all the world’s best young players are available to them. That certainly wasnt the case 30 or 40 years ago.

As long as they stop accepting these shitty clauses the LOI should improve massively from Brexit and young lads only going over to the UK at 18

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I forgot that.Thats probably the genesis of it alright.

There was that rule brought in,

Yep.Theyre probably non drinkers, fluent in 3 languages,have their own agent,1 million+ followers on the gram and sleep with their teddy bears every night.

They’re probably far better footballers which is the main point

Obamidele, Bazunu and Collins defo have the raw material

I think it boils down more to mentality than skill/technique.At that level,all young lads that get contracts are exceptional irrespective of where they come from.
Look at the go of the Argie the other night against the pool and contrast it with the passive nature of McGuire we have witnessed for years.
So maybe its not foreigners being better footballers,its them having a better attitude.

You go over to Uruguay and these places and theres games going on all day on the street - 40 a side - and you’d want to be fair good to get a kick in one of them


The mentality will be immediately noticeable anyway though. If Man Utd for example send a scout out to Argentina to look at players they are looking at the cream of the crop exceptional players to come in and be world beaters while some of the British/Irish lads that they bring in, while good players might not necessarily be expected to make it but are an easy option to fill spots in youth teams

One of the most complete performances ever given.

Seems like v responsible stewardship from the Glaziers

I’ll never understand this at all. Do you think If they just spend 200 million every summer it’s ok?

I genuinely do not think Casemiro or Anthony are good signings or represent any value.

The Man united model is based on success. If man united missed out on champions League for 4 or 5 years the club would be goosed. It would be a Leeds job.

They literally have no idea what they are doing.

united are the same as Leeds?

They could easily be the exact same if they continue to finish outside the CL and maybe the EPL tv deal goes tits up which is hardly a million to one.

Fix the leaky roof while they’re at it.