Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Hardly a surprise in fairness.

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You don’t need to be a body language expert to realise that’s awkward anyway.

The united club and fans should be ashamed of themselves here

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You can see why Keane sticks up for Ronaldo. He knows that even the greatest servants are bombed out like they were Eric Djemba-Djemba.

Piers the cunt is loving all this, he’s no more his friend or has Cristy’s best interests at heart. But it’s beautiful for the rest of us to watch this long drawn out saga. Piers is giving us dribs and drabs & then a final bombshell later in the week.

Garnacho’s goal with Drury commentating :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:


This is very troubling

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The Martin Tyler commentary of it could easily be done by that lip sync fella with the disappointed face

Bruno is some creep

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Wish he’d stop giving the ball away.



Christy complaining about the club not being run properly when if it was being run properly they wouldn’t have gone near signing him

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The sometimes reliable Wheeler of the Daily Mail is reporting that Mendes is trying to compla deal with Bayern.

There’s also shout that CR7 want his contract paid out. If that’s true this is a bizarre way of going about it, as opposed to sitting down with the club and asking to leave amicably.

Would be a bizarre move for Bayern

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Its also strange to me that hes slating the Glazers for looking at it commercially when hes on £500k per week and brought in for entirely commercial reasons.

I’d say he’s trying to get sacked

Completely. Criticising it for being a club run for marketing reasons.

Reckon he just told him to go shit in his hat.

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