Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Heā€™s a dangerous bastard and a horrible human being. But youā€™re some jug if you dismiss his influence on British journalism over for decades, right or wrong.

I think wrong based on the above

Is he really? Aside from the royal family stuff ive never heard much of himā€¦ But Iā€™d only folly the football a bit and pay no attention to general tan life.

Well yeah, heā€™s a horrible human being

Piers identifies as Irish. A gallant Gael

Heā€™s the best of us.

Oh THAT Piers Morgan

You still not sleeping well?

I sleep the sleep of the innocent

Whos the poor innocent you have ?

I donā€™t just get why he didnā€™t leave ?

Probably because he didnā€™t have a hope of getting half a million a week in a different league/team in Europe

He knew doing the interview theyā€™d sack him though.

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Is it not easier if Utd sack him rather than him wanting out of his contract? He gets to have a bit more of a chip now too.

A washed up CR7 has lads like a pan of dennys on both sides here.


Washed up, over paid and most likely a rapistā€¦ The utd way.

What a way for the relationship to end. There are no winners here. In an ironic way they deserve each other

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As the late great batman once said, you hang around long enough and you become the villain.

RIP Batman.

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Theyā€™d have had to pay him 20 odd million I think.

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