Manchester United 21/22

Who is Keane threatening to smash into?

It would be absolutely box office if he got it

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Fuck all to say only what the fuck were Greenwood and Maguire left on for so long. Maguire is utterly pathetic.

No midfield to speak of and zero attack plan. Long season ahead.

Fergie wouldn’t allow that.

He’ll probably look for another soft cock ex player like Rio Ferdinand.

If United got a manager with any sort of tactical nouse at all they’d improve themselves markedly.

Ole fell onto a system last year of fast paced counter attacking football, it wasn’t perfect but they were improving. Now he has Ronaldo so he can’t play that system and they are at nothing.

United’s “pressing” today was hilarious

That system he lined out there basically had Fernandes on his own midfield against 4 City lads. Telpus

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Shaw must have heard a shout from Maguire or De Gea to leave that ball.

Souey doesn’t like “Wan Bikasa, or whatever his name is.”

Souey is veering into choppy waters. He wouldn’t want to end up as a chop Souey.

Maguire wasn’t even looking towards the ball.

Genuinely now. I’m a long time looking at matches and I’ve never seen a shape like united in the first half. 5 at the back and city had an overlap out left all half… And that’s with 2 holders. Both goals came from Cancelo. It was as bad a shape as I’ve ever seen

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Thats most of the fanbase want him gone then.

A set up that is aimed at Maguire not having to hold anyone. Some bullshit.

Would they give Phil Jones another go?

I honestly reckon Mike Phelan is a dinosaur who they’d be as well without.


They were the same against liverpool, a 4-2-0-3-1 acres in centre mid and acres down the two wings.

Today it was like a 5-2-1-1-1 I don’t think they had anyone playing right or left side of midfield for a lot of the game. Shaw and AWB had two galloping at them all day.

As you said Cancelo could have built a house in the space he had.

He genuinely has a better managerial CV than Ole. It’s a pity he didn’t continue his initial upward trajectory because he’d be great craic to have in charge of a Man Utd.

Ferguson simply wouldn’t allow it.

And there’s the problem at united

It’d be a car crash, but it’d be tremendous fun.

Is it a realistic proposition for a top manager? A bad squad with bad characters. Massive wages and probably no real cash available.

#OleOut trending at number 5 in Ireland. Ed Woodward will need to note this

There’s no one obvious available at the moment anyway. They’d be as well wait till the summer and see what’s out there

Zizou needs to apologise to Ferguson for never playing for him. Only then will he be considered for the role.