Manchester United 21/22

I thought it was just me that was thinking that. Carragher was like a Cheshire cat

CR7 could have got a red there

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No different to Robertson. Fix is in

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Andy Robertson was sent off for a lot less than that. A lot less.

Easily could have walked

Not much of a new manager bounce so far despite the favourable fixture list. You had excitable Man Utd fans here thinking if they’d won that game at Chelsea that they’d be back in title race following a run of 11 wins in 13 in the aftermath. Ole, now there was a new manager bounce!

Is this German hipster an “interim “ appointment only ???

That was hilarious from Rashford

Under the redoubtable interim interim Coach Carrick that may well have been the case.

Instead they have an anonymous, faceless technocrat who has up to now specialised in coaching mid table Bundesliga teams.

Under Coach Solskjaer Manchester United were pure box office entertainment. Now they’re just as shit and more but without any of the entertainment factor. They’re deathly dull. That’s very bad news for an organisation in the content provision business.

Maguire is some carthorse

The dippers having an absolute ball on this thread tonight.

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Newcastle creating more chances

No more than we deserve.

Much better second half


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Manchester United supporters can’t help displaying their hatred of the poor.

They truly are the lumpen bourgeoisie.

No wonder they’ve turned so much on Marcus Rashford.

His hair is unreal.

He’s a magnificent specimen

70th min

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Man United are excellent at digging out results versus poorish teams