Manchester United 21/22

George Best , Ryan Giggs… Greenwood. Didn’t Nickie Butt have to pay off his ex wife to avoid conviction also?

Get off your high horse. There’s clearly a culture of this carry-on at the club stretching back decades. It’s worthy of discussion. There’s no one taking away from Harriet’s suffering.

Discussion yet but going to the trouble of penning a fake letter that included the poor girl’s name to make a joke out of it is more than a little bit pathetic.

Possibly four cases in 50 years. I’d imagine it’s the same in most clubs bit the women were too scared of public coverage to report it.

Regardless all clubs need to do more to ensure players are not behaving like scumbags.

It is indeed bizarre how much Liverpool fans are enjoying this on here.
It seems to be disgusting, heinous behaviour from Greenwood. I presume she has gone to the police and they’ll deal with it pretty quickly. Hopefully he sees jail for a decent stretch if it’s proven.


Greenwood is entitled to a presumption of innocence. There’s no charges yet AFAIK

if charges are pressed then utd should suspend greenwood pending trial and sack if found guilty.

Spousal abuse is a huge problem and those found guilty should face serious penalties. Conversely, we shouldn’t be convicting on the basis of a social media post


There’s no one enjoying it but keep spinning criticism that way pal.

Oh fuck off you moron. This is a broader social issue.

Best. Giggs. Butt. Ronaldo Greenwood… If you don’t acknowledge the club has huge cultural problems then how do you hope to change things?

Does Giggs read TFK?

@Thomas_Brady. A gas man indeed.

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Some of the Liverpool posters seem delighted a woman has been beaten up so they can settle a few petty differences over football.


A very honest assessment from Tom… We had Utd fans spending hours debating whether he’d play again like that was the story. A vile club from top to bottom so it’s no surprise really.

These are just shocking allegations and while he does enjoy the presumption of innocence and people here are been fair minded in the main and not rushing to judgement without due process and the rule of law been applied, it is disconcerting to see all the agonising over the brand and their valuable asset.


Didn’t Manchester United once sack a manager for having a consensual affair? If that was a sacking offence what is this?

I think Doc was sacked more for sending the physio on business travel to far off parts of England so Doc could continue to commit adultery

That seems much less bad than what Mason Greenwood has been up to.


The discussion was in relation to whether his career is over or not, there were more than Man Utd fans taking part.

Everything I’ve seen online from Utd posters has said that he should never play for the club again if he’s found to be guilty.

You however opted to spend your time penning a ‘hilarious’ letter from a group of Liverpool supporters to try catch a few handy likes from the situation.

Very productive Sunday for you.

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Dry your eyes mate.

Classy as ever.