Manchester United 21/22

Who was the bright spark that thought a journeyman managerial career largely spent managing sides to mid table finishes in the Bundesliga was a grounding for the biggest job in world soccer?

It was important to the United owners didn’t sack Gunnar before Antonio Conte got another job. They didn’t want him…he would have challenged the owners. So Conte went to Spurs and then they sacked Gunnar for anyone.

Twitter rumours linking a well remunerated goalkeeper to an article on an EPL footballer involved in domestic abuse. Let’s wait until the facts emerge before casting stones.

Any link ?

He’s not managing Real Madrid mate

Don’t think it’s a United player.

Only saw the highlights this morning. Every team playing United now knows to just play the ball into that area as soon as they win the ball.

One of them has to be dropped, I’d be more confident of Shaw improving than Maguire.

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Josh is hurtin’

Did Ronaldo spit on his team mate yesterday. Footage was not conclusive.

Poor Ron, you’d nearly feel sorry for him

The Liverpool fans started those rumours.

You couldn’t be up to them.

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Maguire and Shaw both starting :see_no_evil:

Is Shaw gone to shit again?

Two fuck ups recently keeping goal scorers onside.

It seems to have coincided with Maguire winning his place back.

Two absolute chancers. Both need to be shoved out the door in the summer.


Ted Lasso signals as 4.3.3 fails again