Manchester United 21/22

Mahrez is an unreal player. His touch is insane

Keane obviously has inside info on some row with Ronaldo. Sure why could he not just have an injury. Hardly that outlandish an excuse.

This is classic Roy Keane.


Trigger will get a root up the hole when Roy gets home.


He’ll test out the theory often mentioned on here that a dog with a mallet up it’s hole could do a good job as Man Utd manager.

Absolutely pitiful second half performance, to call those players gutless would be too kind. Utd now are what Liverpool were for nearly 3 decades completely irrelevant. A full clear out is needed starting with Pogba and Maguire, the next manager in will need a PhD in psychology.

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Utterly murdered. 1 moment of genius fr9m Sancho and an absolute shitshow of defending. McFred couldnt get near the ball. Awb was a disgrace. Standing miles off lads, barely putting in a tackle. Utterly depressing.

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McTominay “We need to win the Champions league” christ.

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Grealish the rat bastard has about 10 yards of space to run into the whole second half.

Liverpool 05 and Chelsea 12 show it can be done.

We are so far off the pace of top teams it is absurd. How the fuck one of the other players hasnt done maguire in training for the good of the club ill never know.

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Something is rotten at the core of the team, attitude is horrible. They have nowhere near what is required to gut out a cup run.

This is all Ferguson’s fault. They are reaping what he has sown.

Only Roy Keane can save them. But Ferguson won’t allow that.

He wouldn’t even let Roy park at OT

No winners or leaders really. Need a serious cull and young humgry players whk will fight like fuck first and foremost. Our attitude to defending is terrible. Has been for years. Vidic fucking hated losing a goal. Fucking hated it. We need that attitude from 6 lads. De Gea made a heap of saves today too.

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Ferguson is the problem. It won’t be solved until he’s in the ground.

Darren Ferguson is the man needed change their fortunes and could be lured away from Posh for a bargain fee. A successful Man United team needs a Ferguson at the helm.

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He resigned a few weeks ago.

But he’ll be back again. He’s done three stints there already.

The last thing they need is a Ferguson.