Manchester United 21/22

Do they have a medical term for coward?

Whatever Paul Pogba is, I can assure you it sure as shit ain’t a coward


bookmarked for when @tazdedub is cryinginto his pint after France knock out England from the world cup


Lovely line from Daniel Taylor on Woodward. He put the dire in director.

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Grand no problem since it will probably be you bringing me the pint, lounge boy.


No shirt and tie. Suede shoes. It’s a hipster appointment alright.

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People would have been saying he was trying to be Ferguson if he wore that.

Surely we have hot rock bottom @Copper_pipe . Maybe things will improve albeit very slowly.

We wont know til next year. We can hope though.

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After the two disasters of Ole and Sleepy Ralf with little and no managerial experience in England, it’s amazing that they’re going down the hipster route again of no managerial experience in England.

You can only imagine they’d already committed to this chap before Sean Dyche became available.

Espressos and craft ale all round.


Is managing in England before really that big of a deal?

Dan is on a fishing expedition mate. It’s how he lets off steam. That and a bit of racism.

Yeah City, Liverpool and Chelsea would never have done that.

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who is this latest clown they have appointed today?

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Some Dutch hipster.