Manchester United 21/22

Im Out GIF


How long did it take Azeem Rafiq to feel confident enough to be in the mental space where he could highlight the abuse he took? A long time. That’s what ingrained power structures are.

How long did it take Charlotte Jackson? Her sexual harassment was not highlighted until the initial video of Keys and Gray ridiculing Sian Massey had come into the public domain.

So Jackson did not feel empowered at all to bring her harassment into the public eye.

Why? Ingrained power structures.

You’ve lost the plot big time here. The paranoia is dripping off you and you’re flinging around all sorts of accusations against me, which is terribly ironic. And you’re telling me that any criticism of a theocratic, fascist state is racist. That’s a transparently ludicrous position to hold.

I quoted one overtly racist post, where you used racial stereotypes,completely unnecessarily. But at least you didn’t mispronounce somebodies name.

I think you’ve insinuated racism against everybody here at different times

I didn’t call them racists.

I said there were racist overtones to what they said and how they said it.

And there was.

Instead of accepting the point, you went all Ron Atkinson.

now that’s ludicrous

I didn’t use racial stereotypes, I ridiculed a theocratic, fascist regime based on its proven conduct over many decades.

I presume you think this is ludicrous too.

Where does it mention name pronunciation in there ?

Its easy to see something when you’ve decided it is already there

Ah here, now, you’re just being wilfully silly.

It is not too much to expect studio pundits to not single out a black player for ridicule based on their name.

Or is it?

Should the right of middle aged white men to ridicule a black player based on their name be something we fight tooth and nail to preserve?

What’s the argument for it?

You should be able to ridicule anybody of any colour about their name, haircut or earrings without being called a racist. Because it isn’t racist

Just quoting this for posterity.

So you don’t think, say, that Fantasy Football League’s ridiculing of Jason Lee’s hair was in any way problematic?

Christ, even Skinner and Baddiel have admitted it was deeply problematic.

It was problematic, 100% it was sustained and it was nasty, but it wasn’t and isn’t racist.
Same way as getting somebody’s name wrong isn’t racist

I’m having a nice can of beer here now

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So you say the Jason Lee abuse was problematic.

Yet you say it wasn’t racist?

Was it not obvious enough at the time, never mind now, that it was? And that you didn’t have to be black to see that. You don’t have to be black now to see it was.

A black footballer wears a distinctive hairstyle which was popular among young black men. And for that, he is subjected to a sustained and vicious campaign of ridicule and abuse by a nationally broadcast television show?

Baddiel even blacked up and wore a pineapple on his head.

Are you seriously telling me you don’t see how that is problematic in terms of racism?

Jason Lee was ridiculed by Skinner and Baddiel for one thing and one thing only. He was being too publicly black. Which apparently was fair game for ridicule?! How?!

Why do you think the Black and White Minstrels were abolished, or the golliwogs in Noddy, or Golly Bar ice creams?

Did their abolition offend you too?

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I’ll have to read up on this racism row when I get a chance later.

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Any more?

Where do you be that lads are talking about the likes of this? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Now though

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Plenty of options for United now if they want to replace Ole. There’s Brucey, Warwick, Mcclaren, FOTF big Mick, Nuno and Lampard. Maybe even big Sam would come out of retirement.

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He’ll sort it