Manchester United 21/22

I didn’t say anything about you being a racist but if you want to call yourself that who am I to judge?

You understand what inference is, dum dums?

I don’t think it’s myself that has to worry about inference here.


do you want to be more racist?

Is that the problem, you want overt racism, like yours towards Arabs?

What’s racist about criticising or ridiculing the belief system of a fascist, theocratic state?

Just there in reference a previous post you made.

You responded to this;

with this:

Wow indeed.

Why would Micah sit in a studio with two racists mate, and be friends with one of them… hint… they aren’t racists.


You’re saying that Micah Richards not immediately intervening live on air to object to the comments is proof they weren’t problematic?

that’s actually the Webster Dictionary definition of racism


I’m not the one accusing anyone of anything. Do you not think if there were racial overtones, Micah wouldn’t have picked up on it in the years he’s worked with Souness and Keane? Yet you claim they are racist and he works with them on a day to day basis.

Why is that mate?

Criticising belief systems is racist?

Expand a wee bit on that.

Is criticising anti-vaxxerism racist?

Is criticising racism racist?

That’s the obvious inference you’re making.

This is a very, very strange hill to die on.

It is against the law to discriminate against you because of your religion or belief.

So you’re allowed to be racist when it suits you. The biggest hypocrite on the forum

Anyway back to Man United…

Based on that logic, Azeem Rafiq would not have played with Yorkshire players who were racially abusing him.

Do you see the problem here? You don’t, do you?

Did Charlotte Jackson continue to work with Andy Gray after he sexually harassed her?

She did.

You don’t understand ingrained power structures.

We should be so lucky… :expressionless:

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Azeem Rafiq has come out and correctly called out, and a few more have, great . Andy Gray got sacked.

Micah has worked with the 2 boys for a few years now and is friends with one of them outside of work by all accounts…

but what about all these other racists? Do you think every white person except you is racist? Even though you are racist, against Arabs, but that doesn’t count

You didn’t answer the questions I posed to you.

Now you’ve somehow manoeuvred yourself into a position where you say that any criticism of the Saudi Arabian state is racist.

This is bizarre, even by TFK standards.

you’ve called two men racists because of how they said someone’s name. I think it’s been bizarre since then.

I’m bowing out now because it genuinely isn’t healthy to have you insinuate I’m a racist because I disagree with you.