Manchester United FC 2013/14

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 935705, member: 2272”]Agreed.

Champions League concentrates money and players

qualifying for the Champions League from each league becomes self fulfilling as it is a money game and the money from the Champions League means domestic leagues end up with very few teams with a realistic chance to qualify

Once in the Champions League the dominant teams financially become unbeatable until they get to the knock out stages because league format ensures that

It is financial doping. Smaller clubs with less financial muscle have no chance to build a team and compete for a few years the way they once could because players are plundered season upon season

Financial Fair Play was introduced to stop this but so far has not been enforced with any real rigour if at all

One way to achieve a level playing pitch would be to have as a condition of entry a salary cap for each named squad along lines of American Football.[/QUOTE]
I couldn’t agree more with this but the likelihood seems remote. Franchises are sneered at in Europe, in England in particular where they are used as a term of derision. But US sports are far more equitable. FFP is a bit of a joke with sponsorship loopholes.

The Red revolution is almost complete— Scholes has been added to Gigg’s back room staff… Has Phil ‘Phil’ Neville been let go or is he being kept on?

He has been kept on along with the goalkeeping coach.

Giggs, Butt and Scholes - the three musketeers. :clap:

Excellent appointments, I’d fear this could be the corner turned.

Ferguson has mugged Manchester United off good and proper.

He got his fall guy in to take the heat for the initial changeover, and now he has his golden boys in there. Fuck it but he’s handled this magnificently. No doubt Moyes owes him a nice percentage of the 10 million or so he’s taken in over the past few months.

:clap:Classy from Moyes-fair fucks to him. He must be seething with some of the players but doesn’t mention a word.

Soup taking creep…

10M worth of soup.

Pure class from Moyesie. :clap: It’s a privilege for Manchester United to have been associated with such a gentleman.

Hopefully he secures another job soon and he dishes the dirt. He must be seething behind all this bullshit.

You’re a proper cunt kicking a man when he’s down.

Thinly veiled “the players are a bunch of cunts and the fans should know it”

When else are you going to kick him?

Ben Thornley, Chris Casper and Terry Cooke have joined the interim Manchester United coaching staff.

Luke Chadwick???

Keith Gillespie has bet £20,000 on himself to be appointed to the staff by the end of the day.

The class of 92 will take United to new highs.