Manchester United Football Club 20/21

It’ll be some eye opener for Cavani when the crowds are back and the likes of @ChairmanDan are in the stand drinking his ale and hurling abuse at him for being a foreigner.

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Precedence suggests Cavani should expect an 8 match ban and a 40k fine.

Incorrect. The incident happened on the Instagram platform and was used affectionately.

Going on the precedence set by the very similar Bernardo Silva Benjamin Mendy incident, and the Delle Alli one, from last season it’ll be a fine and a one-game ban.

Precedence suggests that while it may be affectionate in Uruguay it is deemed racist in England so Cavani should expect an 8 match ban and a 40k ban.

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You don’t know what precedence is. Terry and Suarez are similar situations as they occurred on the field of play, during play and were deemed incendiary,

Cavani and Berbardo Silva occurred on social media and were not aimed at causing offence. They were both still wrong and need(ed) to be punished accordingly.

Everyone from Uruguay should just serve a ban of 5 matches after they are signed


That’s probably why Varela played so little.

No Liverpool fans were. I hope he stays for another five years.

The precedent is that a Uruguayan playing in the Premier League called a black person “negrito”. The FA decided that negrito is a racist tem in England. The current pro-racist climate in England might mean it’s a 5 match equivalent ban for Cavani. Cavani has done his international team mate a favour by highlighting the rampant hypocrisy and preferential treatment doled out to certain clubs in the Premier League.

Cavani must be regretting moving to Manchester now where that sort of racist term is frowned upon.

Again, you have no clue what precendence is.

From The Guardian today ‘Social media postings are covered by FA Rule E3, and if a comment is deemed to include a reference to a person’s ethnic origin, colour, race or nationality, then that will be regarded as a potential aggravating factor in any punishment. The rules also make it clear that the owners of social media accounts are responsible for any content posted from their account, whether by themselves or by a third party.’

Maximum three match ban. Likely to be deemed similar to Da Silva and given a one-match suspension.

Additionally Suarez admitted that he did not use the term as Cavani used.

TBF to Cavani, he can’t have known about the previous with regards to this phrase in English football.

Suarez used the Spanish term “negro”, not “negrito”.

Are you being racist to the phrase negritio?

He has to go.

Cavani’s not that sort of player

They’re the same thing. It shouldn’t matter who says it. It’s either racist or it’s not. John Terry called Anton Ferdinand a “fucking black cunt” and got half the ban that Suarez got.

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John Terry was captain of England, which provides partial immunity


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which hunt? the witch hunt? or the jeremy hunt?