Manchester United Football Club 20/21

What’s going on here? Who said what?

The Liverpool posters are having a collective melt down on here.

The Liverpool fans won’t like this.

good lad, youre so vexed that youve had to delete your own posts :smiley:


Why would I be vexed? I mistakenly posted on the wrong thread and deleted it.

hardly in the wrong thread

it was in response to Julio bringing up stuff about Suarez on the Liverpool thread.


Racism has been tolerated at Manchester United Football Club for a long time. Club patriarch Ferguson saw it thus:

A flare up on Saturday between [Peter] Schmeichel and [Ian] Wright has spilled into the newspapers. There’s been a complaint to the FA that our goalkeeper racially abused the Arsenal man… The whole business of racial abuse seems to have got out of hand these days. A few years back, when Paul Ince was involved in an incident at Wembley once, I asked him why he got so upset when someone called him black. After all, he frequently referred to me as a Scottish so-and-so, so what was the difference? He told me the Scots aren’t a race; naturally I had to remind him that we are in fact the master race!”

Of course we should never forget dreadful events like the Holocaust, the nationalistic wars of Eastern Europe and the genocide in Africa, but I think we are past all that in this country. It doesn’t help when people manufacture so-called racial incidents out of an everyday clash between two strong-minded players in the heat of a match. I hope no one at the FA is going to pander to this complaint, which is simply someone trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.”

The fourth Liverpool fan to get in on the act. Pity they weren’t so quick condemn Suarez and daglish for racism that time.

That’s the point. Cavani’s 8 match ban will be as outrageous as the Suarez ban. They both used the same word not realising that the Premier League would consider it racist.

Get back under your bed.

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The issue that you’re correctly pointing out is the disparity between the ban(s) doled out to Suarez and Terry. They both committed offences, in anger, on the field of play.

How you then more or less contradict yourself by failing to see that Cavani’s offence is the same as Da Silva’s.

He’s a massive racist.

He has to go.

Cavani and Suarez both said the same thing. If what they said is deemed racist, which it already has in the Suarez case then they should be given the same fine/ban. To do otherwise stinks of hypocrisy and favouritism.

On your second point in terms of the rules varying depending on where the coments took place … John Terry may not be racist* and said what he did to Anton Ferdinand in the heat of the moment. He gets a 4 match ban. If he called Anton Ferdinand a “fucking black cunt” on twitter, the rules say he gets a lesser ban even though it’s preempted.

John Terry is likely a rabid racist.

Not true. Please refer to the Guardian article I posted for your information.

Yes I referred to this in a previous post as well. Terry should have got the same ban as Suarez, or vice versa, if all things were correctly carried out.

Anyhow there’s a specific rule for social media as I outlined above.

Did you call for Bernardo Silva and Delle Alli to have the same ban as Suarez on here?

Keep going mate, you’re flying. Definitely digging up…

What did John Terry say again to get his ban for racism?

It’s quite strange. The liverpool fans turned on Suarez a few years ago but still wont pass up the opportunity to play the victim card.