Manchester United Football Club 20/21

I know you love making up lies the whole time, but how do you square that one there? Considering you, MBB, copper, croppy, fulvio, esteban, themanhimself, flatty and Juhy are in the top 15 posters, none of whom support Liverpool. And of the others, Iā€™m not sure who they follow, but those ones there clearly arent Liverpool fans.

Iā€™d also love to see any evidence of Liverpool fans asking for Coach Ole to be sacked and are getting worked up over it, considering the vast majority of them think he is shite and Utd are going nowhere with him. Iā€™m assuming this is just the norm and we read what we want to read, instead of actually what is written down. And just lie then.

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Flatly and juh Liverpool fans I thought.

even if they were, which they clearly are not, it still doesnt add up.

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I also didnā€™t count myself in the top 15.

Is myboyblue not a Liverpool fan?

ok, so the poster in 16th has an avatar of a Man city player, but supports Liverpool

Carry on.

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It seems fairly simple to me. The Liverpool posters are absolutely seething over the fact Iā€™m happy with the job ole is doing and have no idea how to handle it.

Ash man is Liverpool man. Iā€™ve no idea who that player is.

Iā€™m really happy for you that Coach Ole makes you so happy. Iā€™m happy for @croppy_boy as well that heā€™s happy about it all too. Donā€™t mind the begrudgers.

I just donā€™t understand the Liverpool posters angle here at all. Itā€™s bizarre.

In sport youā€™ll get peaks and troughs thatā€™s what make it great.

Donā€™t let the bastards get you down mate

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I never do but theyā€™ve seen to have driven themselves insane over the issue. I think 10 individual Liverpool fans have posted on the thread today and they all seem to be seething for whatever reason.

Iā€™m happy man united are on the right road and it takes time.

Well sure thatā€™s what itā€™s all about. Happiness is key.

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@Juhniallio is a scouse :flushed:

You would swear loserpool supporters enjoy Man Utd defeats more than their own success. Rent free and all that.

It must take heroic amounts of effort to call absolutely everything wrong. Itā€™s admirable.

Ole is one or the nicest guys in football. Why anyone would want him to fail is beyond me. Fair enuf Mourinho or Sir Alex. Anyway each to their own.

Heā€™s absolutely seething for three years now. The mental gymnastics are gas

They arenā€™t enjoying the defeats though. They seem to be seething that ole isnā€™t sacked or that Iā€™m not calling for him to be sacked. Itā€™s bizarre.

I make this Liverpool fan number 12 to post on this thread today alone.