Manchester United Football Club 20/21

Cos he’s one of our most important players and thought this would be a walk in the park. Telles isnt bad. It’s just that AWB cant cross the ball at all so Shaw’s attacking is so important.
Also rested Cavani.

And Sheffield United couldn’t even field a full subs bench with three empty spots.

The EPL is box office.

Two points per game average is a decent tally and if replicated over the season it earns you 76 points. That shouldn’t be winning titles really though. Top 4 finish yes.

Didsy is worth 4 men

That second goal was painful. Like under 12s

Worse. The fucking shooting from Sheffield Utd was as bad! 3 fucking goes at it and the fella who scored didnt move the whole time.

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Poor @Juhniallio is like some beleaguered FF minister being sent out to bat after the Troika were spotted on Stephen’s Green


No way are united a one man team.:grinning:

Martial added nothing up front. Was hoping donny would pull it out of the bag. Hopefully only a speed bump

The effort-levels there


@Juhniallio would like to clarify that he wouldn’t have taken a goal from the KKK, and he condemns everything they stand for and unreservedly withdraws his suggestion United should source a goal from them

That’s comical stuff. Hard to say who’s worst. De Gea I suppose, but there’s three lads standing on the edge of the box watching it being passed around

Esteban said there was six you could blame. Telles for the initial through-ball gets my vote

If @EstebanSexface had his way sport would be cancelled forever.

Pay no heed to that cunt.

He’s got tight under your collar anyway… You’re following him around like a little puppy. You need to be zen.



Lave him off I wouldn’t waste piss on him

Great that you’ve to go back to the Ferguson era to find an image to photoshop


Your cowardice over a bit of flu is astounding.

Good luck and thanks kid.

Alright kid. Whatever it is your going through will be over soon. I’m not to blame. Lash out away at me all you like. It’s no bother to me.