Manchester United Football Club 20/21

You’re here since 9 clock this morning debating everything on its merit mate,

You either have a fierce handy number or you’re still at nothing below in a bunker somewhere.

Good luck to you sincerely.

You must have read all my posts. Hope you got something out of it

Today was a quiet day. We all need to pass some time.

If you ever grow a pair of balls be sure and join in. Or don’t. You haven’t much to say of interest

I’ve offered a couple of olive branches there lad, would you not just take them and fuck off

Apparently the planets don’t retain their same orbit … They’ve moved before and can move again.

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Nah, fuck yourself you coward.

We’ll leave it on that note.

With the added *we are not anonymous posters.

There’s something the matter with you.

You’d be very well advised to leave it there. As I said, lash out away. Don’t go too far though

Isn’t it obvious? My mind games got to him. Never underestimate the power of the INTERNET.

Cavani is a top top pro but I’m not sure is he going to score the amount of goals needed to challenge for the league.

Liam knew

He’s an awful scamp

Nawful man


Noisy neighbours

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Fuck Citeh

Shameful carry on

Football (soccer) fans are idiots.

Utd fans turning on their own with disgusting racism

if you weren’t hanging up your replica jersey after that you’d want to have a long hard look at yourself

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A new low… But Man Utd fans regularly topped the numbers for arrests for racial abuse so it’s not surprising.

Man Utd racism on Instagram? Well, I never…

Lads bet heavily on these games. They allow their love on their club cloud their senses. Gambling is for mugs lads. Stay away from it.