Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

Have you any evidence Tom?

Everything you said there is a lie, I honestly donā€™t know why you are always making up lies about me?
I have said that I will resign from the board and donate 1000 euro to a charity of your choice if you can back any of it up, Iā€™d say a million euro but we can pretend to be serious if you want

Saying Iā€™m a danger to children is a serious accusation and I canā€™t let that slide,

I guess Iā€™ll need other people to flag those posts, I know youā€™re young and all but you really canā€™t say stuff like that without something to hack it up

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I believe this debate has run its course.

In fairness, you kept the wiki brigade busy for the morning. Well played son.

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Youā€™ve run your course around here if all you can resort to is personal insults, lies and defamatory comments. Amazing that the admins havenā€™t stepped in on such a libellous comment against @backinatracksuit.

Admins on lunch between 1 and 2 id say.


Stay out of this dinosaur. Itā€™s Mac, tracksuit and mouse who started this.

I didnā€™t look up anything on wiki anyway. He conceded defeat in the end.

Lies. lies and more lies.

Itā€™s great to see you exposing yourself again as the biggest liar on the forum

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Iā€™m sorry but I trust my sources.

You can PM your evidence if you want - I wont disclose it in open.

I started absolutely nothing. Youā€™re genuinely demented

Itā€™s makes little difference to me as it appears only Mac believed that it was me running the account.

Proof please

Ah have you forgotten Saturday when you accused me? Or were you actually drunk?

Accused you of what?

I was having a great day but this has really annoyed me,
This is how low it gets, disgraceful that man adult can make those sorts of accusations, and he knows well what I do for a living

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The angriest man on the forum @Mullach_Ide praising his fellow Man U superfan @BruidheanChaorthainn for fighting the Man U corner all morning but turns a blind eye to the vicious personal attack and defamatory comments from @BruidheanChaorthainn directed at @backinatracksuit.

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I was having a great day Saturday until you went and ruined it with your jibes.

Stop with the poor me guff.

Iā€™ve fuck all interest in this either, but similar to the labane twitter thing and someone going to his workplace, this here too crosses a line and is despicable what is being said multiple times. The vast majority of people know tracksuits occupation and for him to be accused of some of the shit here crosses into that in such a low manner that it goes past being banter or just disliking someone. Its borderline defamation, over a petty internet debate. Leave it fucking lie and leave out the personal shit like that.