Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

Please stop haranguing me and taking the thread off topic, itā€™s getting a bit creepy now. Set up a new thread to defend @backinatracksuit if you feel the need to. Maybe start with the first post from @backinatracksuit on this thread today and flesh it out from there.

This is a thread about Manchester United.

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Anyone want to bullet point the last 200 posts?

What was the aim of your interjection this morning. What did calling him a clown do for the discussion. If lads want to spend the day on wikipedia trying to win an internet argument or wind people up on the internet then let them off ta fuck.
Iā€™ve no interest in knowing anyoneā€™s identity on this forum. An in-law used to post here, not sure whether he does or not anymore and I caught @carryharry browsing TFK outside Lowrys after the 2016 All Ireland Final. Thatā€™s all I know on here, people could find out my identity easy enough Iā€™d say.

@BruidheanChaorthainn was feeling a bit lonely so wanted to make it all about himself as usual by throwing baseless allegations at multiple posters. And Ole is a shit manager who is out of his depth.

Tou know what you did, you bastard

Itā€™s not a completely anonymous forum, most fellas are open enough, some more than others.

But where are we as a forum if fellas throw out accusations like that randomly and repeat for hours on end

Itā€™s not an accusation. Its my opinion Of you based on your postings.

Iā€™ve had my say on that already. Too close to the bone for me given your occupation.
Again though, why the initial comment calling him a clown, given the previous between you.

Saying someone shouldnā€™t be left near minors is an accusation

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This says children and itā€™s not the only one

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Just to repeat I didnā€™t look any stats up on wiki. Youā€™re underestimating the knowledge of the Irish Footix.

The wiki merchants know who they are.

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On another note Iā€™ve just ordered five of these

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One each?


tenor (22)

One of my dad, one of myself and three for gifts. They are very nice I must say.

Exciting news for the Irish Man Utd contingent!

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